"Right now? So fast?" Soojin commented, dumbfounded with her mouth slightly agape.

"Well damn, they sure aren't wasting any time" Youngjae stated lightheartedly.

All of them had began to write names down and some of them needed longer to decide which one to go with than others, but eventually everyone had chosen a person they wanted to go to paradise with.

"We will now match the couples who will go to paradise together. Mr. Lee Gwanhee, please give your ticket to the person you'd like to take to paradise"

Gwanhee proceeded to walk towards Hyeseon and coyly handed her his ticket, to which the girl bowed politely and gave him her ticket once it was her turn.

Next, was Gyuri who had given her ticket to Minwoo, which the latter accepted and bowed.

However, once it was Minwoo's turn, he shyly approached Soojin and surprisingly passed his ticket to her. The girl gently took his ticket with a kind smile on her lips, an airy chuckle escaped her lips.

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"The reason i chose Min Soojin was due to her genuine and inviting energy. I felt very comfortable around her, despite us not talking much to each other"

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Seeing as it was her turn, Soojin felt slightly bad for Minwoo but nonetheless, she walked towards Youngjae and handed him her ticket, which he accepted with a proud grin before giving her his own in return.

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"I chose Han Youngjae because i really liked the way he presented himself and how he wasn't shy to approach me. I like when men make the first move, but i have no problems with making the first move myself. It just has to be someone special and worth it."

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"I chose Min Soojin because she has a very kind and feminine vibe and i happen to like that a lot about women. She's caught my attention the most out of all and i want to get to know her better before anyone else."

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"I want to say that i'm surprised, but i'm really not" Dahee stated with a grin, playing with the cards in her hands.

"I don't think any of us are, but what surprised me was Minwoo handing her his ticket." Jinyoung commented, his eyes fixated on the screen before them.

"I'm not." Jinkyung spoke up, "He had clearly stated that she definitely caught his attention along side Gyuri. The poor boy just made the wrong choice, he could've been going to paradise too.

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The third and last couple to be matched were — non surprisingly — Minyoung and Jinseok, meaning that Gyuri and Minwoo would be left behind in the inferno. Soojin cringed at the thought of it, imagining how awkward it might be for the both of them.

"‎The first paradise – bound couple matching is now over. Couples that have chosen each other, please hold hands and leave for paradise."

Min Soojin stood in place, hesitating in walking towards Han Youngjae for no apparent reason. Luckily for her, the man made his way towards her and offered his hand first.

Soojin teasingly hummed, "I don't usually hold hands with strangers".

Youngjae lightheartedly chuckled at her statement, "I'm hoping we'll be more than strangers if this date goes well", he said and interlaced his hand with hers before they walked off.

"I'm hoping so too"  She replied with a smile.

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hi everyone! i apologize that
it took me a bit to write another
chapter, but my personal life
isn't the greatest right now and
this book is not my top priority.

i hope you're enjoying it so far
and i would love to see some
verbal support and your opinions
and views on Soojin or Youngjae.

do you like him? which couple
are you guys rooting for so far?
love u xoxo 🎀🌷

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