Chapter 1 - The One Of Many Names

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The Outer Lord

Chapter 1: The One of Many Names

Find her Tarnished and guide them to the throne. That was Melina's guiding principle on her god-given mission. From the mightiest warrior to the meekest miscreant, the throne cared not who sat upon it so long as they were guided by Grace. It was by God-Queen Marika's own designs that it was made so, and so it would be.

She had searched far and wide across the Lands Between, and Melina, despite her immortality and dogged perseverance, had grown disheartened and weary. She had found many Tarnished on her travels, those without Maidens to guide and strengthen them, but they all came up short of the requirements for Lordship. Many broke against the bulwark of Stormveil. Others succumbed to despair and begged her to leave them be. There were even those who stubbornly refused the calling given to them by Marika, spurning Melina on the spot. Each of these Tarnished she had placed her trust and faith in, and each time she was disappointed and once more alone to wander.

She ran a gentle, burn-scarred hand across her mount's neck. No, not alone. She had Torrent, her faithful spirit steed. Melina wondered if any Tarnished had the mettle to ascend the throne. It was never meant to be easy, that much was true, but were the descendants of Lord Godfrey's legions not made of sterner stuff? Be it despair, temptation, or madness, the Tarnished were so far little more than bumbling, craven, immortal children who craved more than they deserved. Losing heart at the thought, Melina nonetheless continued her mission. There had to be one. There had to be. Surely Marika would not have gambled on such flawed creatures.

As he cantered towards the Church of Elleh, Torrent snorted and came to a halt, drawing Melina's attention. She followed Torrent's gaze and saw someone sitting with their back to the outer wall of the church. The figure was garbed in dark, frankly ruined armour, with a brown, hooded cloak pulled over them. A simple sword rested at their side while a strange item was fixed to their hip.

''Torrent? What is it?'' Asked Melina. As if in reply, the spirit steed snorted again and tilted his head up. ''This one is Tarnished, you say?'' Torrent had something of a talent for sniffing out Tarnished. Whether it was truly his sense of smell or something else owing to his nature as a spiritual being, she did not know, but he had never steered her wrong. However, his assessment for what constituted a worthy Tarnished had left her wanting more than once. Still, this was the first one they'd found in months. Torrent took her closer.

''I find myself in a ruined world once more, it seems,'' said the Tarnished. His sudden speech took Melina by surprise. The voice was that of a man, one that sounded tired.

''Greetings. Traveller from beyond the Fog,'' she greeted. Torrent leant down and inspected the seated knight, taking sniffs of his ragged cloak. Intelligent, goat-like eyes peered into the warped visor of the man's helmet. The man raised a gloved hand to Torrent's snout and was surprised when he was able to touch the animal without startling it. Seeing this, Melina was quietly taken aback. Nobody save herself had touched Torrent. Not even the other Tarnished she had accompanied. The spectral steed had made his dislike of them rather apparent despite choosing them. Perhaps there was something worthy here, after all. She dismounted and knelt down a respectful distance from the man, removing her hood from her head. ''I am Melina. And I offer you an accord.''

''And it begins. Like clockwork, it begins,'' the man muttered. Melina was feeling somewhat put off, but looking to Torrent, she could see that the steed was strangely insistent this time around. Was being pet under the chin all it took to win his favour? Ridiculous. Torrent was an intelligent creature and not so easily bought. Pushing on, Melina continued to speak.

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