"But the mark grew, didn't it?" Damon questioned knowingly as he sipped his drink.

 Elena was furious at him for his teaching techniques, but Damon didn't care. He was willing and ready to do whatever it takes to get the cure, fast.

Elena sighed in defeat realizing there was no point in fight about what had already been done, "Okay, look, we need a plan." 

Briana walked in the cabin just as the words left Elena's lips, "I see I'm right on time. What can I do to help?" She spoke as she made her way next to Damon. 

Matt stood from where he was seated at the recognition of Briana's voice, "What are you even doing here? This is all Klaus' fault." Matt spat angrily. 

"Hey. Watch it." Damon demanded the human. 

Briana shifted uncomfortingly knowing Matt had every right to be upset. Klaus was sending an army of vampires after him for no real reason other than to get back at Jeremy.  

"She's with--" Matt started. 

"Damon's right. Briana's not a threat to us. All she's ever done is try to protect us when it comes to Klaus." Elena spoke. 

Briana and the doppelgänger exchanged gracious smiles. 

Briana sighed, "Look, I know there's no explanation for this. There's never an explanation when it comes to why Klaus what he does. I'm not here to defend him, I'm here to help. So what can I do?" 

Matt lowered his defenses after hearing the sincerity in Briana's voice. 

"Here's the plan. Elena, you take the least most valuable player home. Bri, you keep Klaus occupied, buying me and, big Jer here, some time to go on a hunting expedition. We'll finish this." Damon said as he walked over to Jeremy, placing a firm hand on the boy's shoulder. 

Briana crossed her arms over her chest as Elena was stunned by Damon's plan, "I'm sorry, a-are you saying that I should leave him here with you?"

Briana stood next to Elena, "I know he's not one for great plans, but he's not going to let anything happen to Jeremy." Briana reassured Elena. 

She looked to Damon for confirmation. 

"I promise you will I keep him safe." Damon told Elena who hesitantly nodded in agreement, "Now, get Matt out of here. And Bri--" 

"I know, I know. Keep him occupied." Briana rolled her eyes. She wished she could do more to help. 

"Shouldn't be too hard considering you're still in yesterday's clothes." Damon retorted. 

Briana looked for the closest thing to her, spotting a book on the table. She grabbed it and threw it at Damon's head for his comment. He just barely dodged it before giving Briana a smug smile. She rolled her eyes as she made her way out of the cabin. 


Klaus and Briana made there way back to Mystic Falls and let's just say there was plenty of occupying happening. She loved Klaus, don't misunderstand, but she was angry. She was trying her best to clean up yet another one of his unnecessary messes and trying to get her friends not to hate him for it. 

She was taking it out on him in an unconventional way you could say. For the first time, she was showing dominance over him. She was pushing around on the bed with confidence. Her eyes demanding him to do whatever she wanted as she glared at him with daggers. It was different than the sex they had before. It was heavy and fierce. It was angry. 

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