Oh just peachy, considering I'm being held hostage by homicidal relatives

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Charlie bumps my shoulder lightly with his own. "I am sure you are Ly, I can see it on your face."

I give him a sweet smile "Well, stop analyzing me, Cherry!" I flash him an impish grin, testing out the new nickname.

Charlie's eyebrows shoot up as he fights a smile. "Cherry, huh? You trying to bruise my manly ego, Troublemaker?" But amusement glints in his eyes.

I laugh and nudge him playfully. "Maybe just keeping you humble. But I like it, Don't you like it?" I asked.

Charlie shakes his head in mock dismay. "I'll allow it. For you," he replied with a wink, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement.

"For me?" I raised an eyebrow, leaning against the window sill.

"Just for you. I'll kill anyone else who dares to call me that," Charlie mumbled his tone both serious and laced with humor.

I burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the quiet room. "You're quite possessive of your nicknames, aren't you, Cherry?"

He chuckled, "The things I endure for you," he sighed dramatically before winking. 

His flirtatious tone sends warmth cascading through me. Our gazes catch and hold, the moment stretching taut with sudden tension.

Abruptly, Charlie clears his throat and steps back, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well! Should let you finish packing and get some rest before your journey." His eyes are conflicted. "I'll uh, see you in the morning then."

Before I can respond, he beats a hasty retreat out the door. I slump back against the window frame with a shuddering breath. So close, yet so far still. I finish packing in a daze, thoughts churning in restless circles. By the time I crawl under my blankets, I am exhausted and sleep overtakes me soon. 

Next day the journey to Hogwarts passes swiftly.  Ara and Ginny dive into discussions and speculate what our year will hold under Snape's new regime. As the train pulls into Hogsmeade station, I feel a little scared as I feel someone's eyes on me all the way from the station to the Great Hall.

As I make my way towards the Slytherin dungeons, a sense of foreboding lingers in the air. The narrow corridors seem to close in, casting elongated shadows that dance with the flickering torchlight. It's then that someone grabs me from behind, a forceful grip that sends a jolt of panic through me. I struggle to free myself, but the hold tightens.

Instinctively, I reach for Charlie's emergency ring, tapping it urgently. However, it's too late.The familiar sensation of Apparition follows. Before I can understand what's happening, darkness envelops me.

We land heavily and I'm shoved away to stumble for balance. Looking up, dread pools in my gut - I'm standing before Aunt Narcissa, Uncle Lucius, and my captor Bellatrix in Malfoy Manor.

I hastily tap the emergency ring for Charlie again but nothing happens. My stomach drops, and I tap the emergency ring again, but Charlie doesn't appear. Bellatrix smiles manically, pointing her wand at me.

"Little niece, so kind of you to join us," she croons, twirling her wand. "Perhaps you can help me find where your blood traitor of a father is hiding, hmm?"

I lift my chin defiantly. "I don't know anything. But I won't help you either way."

Bellatrix's smile turns feral. "We'll see about that, poppet." She levels her wand at me as I brace myself.

But suddenly Draco darts forward, throwing himself between me and Bellatrix. My heart lurches in surprise. "You told me you wouldn't hurt her if I cooperated," he grits out, stance-protective.

Lyra || Charlie Weasley ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora