OH hell Nah !

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' okay let's do this, don't be a puss.. let's go!' she muttered to herself in encouragement as she hit the play button

she's been dodging the last episode because why the fuck would you name it Rest in fucking peace, who in the hell are they killing this episode?!

she bit her nails as she hit start, she watched and watched. She thought that maybe finally Maggie could get off Negan's back but she didn't think that Maggie had it in her, we understand he killed ya husband but did he know ? wouldn't you have done the same freaking thing if someone invaded your place and then killed dozen of people who were families and mothers and fathers, what do you think would've happened if Negan didn't murder at least one of you guys, he had to protect his people and that was it.. no taking it back, what's done is done

she also cried rivers when Rosita passed away, she paused to compose herself crying about how it wasn't fair and that the writers and producers did her dirty having her die like that, she composed herself and hit start again just to break down when she saw how Eugene named his little girl Rosie it's crystal clear that he named her after his first love Rosita. oh how she sobbed

then she saw how Daryl is leaving to go find those two love birds, she mumbled to herself

' this is exactly why Jude didn't wanna tell ya, now ya leaving too ..good luck in France Dixon' she tsked

she had already watched the Daryl Dixon series because she was yet again postponing the finale season but now she knows what's gonna happen to him..

the show ended and she found herself staring at a black screen wondering what the fuck is she gonna do now ? no other show is ever gonna compare to the walking dead, she found herself lonely with a bunch of wet tissues laid on top of her lap.. she sighed as silent tears fell down her eyes..

' this is exactly why i didn't want it to end ' she said to no one

she wiped her tears sniffling, and closed her tv and then just laid there on her sofa wondering about what if she was in the walking dead universe

she smiled a little and whispered ' oh i'll be screwed and not in a good way either' she chuckled as she realized what she said ..

she closed her eyes as she started daydreaming about how it could've been if she was part of it all, she had the slightest hope she'll be able to survive the walkers but the climbers oh hell no those things are creepy as it is walking slowly but you wanna tell me that those fucker be climbing walls and opening doors and breaking windows using rocks! hell nah she would be done for as soon as one of those freaks show up .. 

her mind drifted to if there's a possibility that she could pick a lover who would it be ? She crushed over several characters throughout the series, Men and Women.

 The girl is a proud Bisexual.. she always found Rosita extremely attractive, and Glenn and Oh God Rick Fricking Grimes, yeah if she could pick anyone it'll definitely be Rick God Damn Grimes, that man is Fine!

she's a 26 year old woman who's been single for an awful while now, let's just say her last partner was a walking red flag but she liked the color red ..

She dated around before but nothing too serious, it never lasted long enough for her to even consider if that person is the one.. 

she imagined herself going on runs with Rick, her mind even did her dirty that it drifted to her being chased by a herd of those things and this time they weren't so slow she could feel her heart racing and decide to snap out of it, she shrugged and reached to feel her heart beating really fast, she was freaked out because that felt a little too real..

' well good luck to her she's as good as a dinner meal, hot damn ' she said eyes trying to focus in the dark so she can grab her phone

she opened her phone and flinched back of how bright it was, she squint her eyes and put an alarm on, she has work tomorrow and she'll be screwed if she's even a minute late, Suzan will scold her real good

she sighed and thought that tomorrow will be a long day, she's a graphic designer but somehow she became the copywriter, the social media manager and the freaking Marketing Manager yet she's still underpaid, these people don't appreciate a graphic designer's work, not at all ..

she drifted to sleep afterwards pretty quickly

she woke up to something trying to pull at her legs..

' 5 more minutes .. ' she mumbled trying to adjust her eyes to the very bright sun, she was rubbing her eyes, the tugging won't stop when she snapped out of it, she fucking lives alone for fuck sakes, she immediately propped herself up using her elbows, something is weird, her vision adjusted and she found her self in the ground and in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees, and that's not the weirdest shit the weird thing is that she can swear that a walker looking mother fucker who's currently stuck in mud is trying to take a bite out of her feet ... ' take me to a date first jeez ' she mumbled she kicked his head and stood up, she took a look at him and it's surely is a freaking walker, she must be dreaming there's no other explanation to what's happening right now

the walker snapped at her and she backed off, she slapped her self and it hurt like a bitch

' no no no no no no ' she repeated over and over again this is not a fucking dream, she still has her harry potter jammies on..

she looked around for anything but she found herself alone

' Did the world go to shit when I slept ? what the fuck is going on' she thought

' this can't be happening, i'm gonna die, yep i am ' she said heart beating and she could feel cold sweat forming in her back

she looked around and found a stick, if this shit is real she need to put that not so poor thing out of its misery ..

' you can do this ' she said testing her grip on the big wooden stick, she slowly walked towards the walker and he snapped at her

she jumped backward squealing and kept saying no

' no no no no, this can't be happening ' she shakes her arms and fake crack her neck, that shit never worked for her

'ok if Judith can do it ya can do it too, c'mon don't be a pussy' She gathered all her courage and stuck that stick right down that walkers head

' oh god, so squishy, oh i'm gonna be sick , oh god this is real'

she felt sick to her stomach and turned around to empty it, she finished and wiped her mouth on her sleeve

' ugh .. i need water ooh god tastes so bad' she groaned and gagged and the same time

she looked around only one thought on her mind

' where the fuck am i ?' 

' where the fuck am i ?' 

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HOT DIGGITY DOG! / stuck in the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now