First Contact - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Yes, yes, awe-inspiring I know. You should consider yourself lucky I've allowed you into my chamber," Adwin boasted. Though their expression quickly soured as they pointed towards the bathroom. "Although if you're able to help me out... I'll consider your tour earned and I may even be willing to give you another!". Lucina shook her head, the artist really needed her help.

"Right!" She shook her disguised head. "What can I do for you Adwin?" The young noble guided Lucina towards their lavatory. Unlike the room, it was spotless, not a single tracing or painting was found there. Unless the sizable hole in the floor was a piece she didn't quite understand.

"Th-that!" Adwin pointed at the pit. They hid behind Lucina's frame causing the knight to tense up as she realized the artist's clothing situation had not changed. "I was washing myself just a moment ago when I heard a distinct scratching in the floor! I thought one of Thea's creatures had somehow snuck into my room but when I looked around I saw the tiles lifting like a reanimated corpse from its grave! I thought a mighty earthquake was to blame but I felt no shaking so I kept staring at it, waiting in horror for what was to come!" They placed the back of their hand on their forehead and leaned into Lucina, making her freeze even more. "Once it stopped moving a foul monster poked its head out of their infernal trench! I don't recall much after that, the fear overtook my senses and thanks to what I'm sure was a devilish spell by the intruder, I lost consciousness for a moment! Lucky imp! Had I not been taken by surprise, I would have obliterated it! When I woke up... it was already gone! But its unwanted hole is still there!"

Lucina awkwardly marched up to the opening, partially to analyze it more closely and also to not have a seminude royal pressed against her. She knelt down and felt the dirt around the hole. It was soft. Far too soft. As she looked down the pit, it was too dark to see a bottom but more importantly, it was almost perfectly round. The continent of Dreiland was filled with creatures who could have produced the hole, many of which Lucina had encountered and fought in her travels. All except for one...

"Was anything missing from your room when you woke up?" She asked.

"None of my paintings thankfully." Adwin answered, placing a hand on their chest as a show of relief. "Although..." Lucina braced herself. "Some jewelry of mine did go missing."

"Shit..." She muttered under her breath.

"What? Why did you say that?" They frantically asked. "Is it bad?!"

"Notify the guards your majesty. I want someone stationed here at all times, in fact, at least two people taking turns. I have to pay someone a visit..."

"Sir Luke, you are scaring me..." Adwin trembled as they took a step back. "Wh-what did you find?". Lucina turned around to meet their gaze.

"Just do as I say." She asserted with an air of authority that reached the heir. "We have a goblin problem..."


"A goblin problem?" Jade asked once Lucina was finished with her story all the while the knight equipped her armor, looking in the mirror to make sure no inch of her was exposed. "Gods, Lucina, with how you were building up the tale, I thought it was actually something serious!"

"It is serious!" The knight rebutted. "I mean... It can be serious. I've never actually met a goblin but according to Doran's Encyclopedia there is no such thing as a lone goblin. We could be facing a whole colony of them and once they get a glimpse of the palace's riches, they'll surely try to overrun us to get to our gold. That is unless I can catch our little intruder and stop them before they tell the rest of their army." She walked towards the sitting princess and placed a hand gently on her face. "I promise I won't be long though, I just have to see an old friend! With her help, this whole ordeal will be over in a blink of the eye."

"I don't know, Lucy..." Jade grabbed her hand with both of hers. "I don't like this. What if the tunnel collapses? Or what if it's already too late and you get caught by a horde? It just seems rash to send the champion of Helikor on a mission like this! Shouldn't we just send someone who is more... equipped to handle this?"

Lucina tightened her armor straps and the belt that carried Devilsbane. "Hey! I'm equipped!" She pouted. "And also, this is a great opportunity, Jade! If I show your siblings how resourceful I am, I'll get on their good side and who knows?" She sat down next to her fiancée. "Maybe with enough goodwill... I won't need to hide who I am anymore." Jade leaned into her.

"Politics seldom work like that," Jade responded with a defeated tone. "But... I suppose it can't hurt either." She placed her hands on both sides of Lucina's helmet, bringing it softly towards her forehead until they were touching. "Just be sure to return to me. This is the first time we'll be apart since you arrived."

"A week ago but you're right..."

Jade chuckled at her intermission. "Yes, a week ago. The best week of my life..." She admitted. "So don't you dare leave after just that! I'll be waiting for you." The princess got up and walked slowly towards her nightstand where she pulled out a small handkerchief, placing a kiss upon it and leaving the crimson outline of her lips on it. She folded it and placed it on Lucina's hands. "So you don't forget. Now and on every quest you go on." Lucina unfolded it and kissed the fabric as well.

"As if I could ever forget you, darling." She let out, standing up and giving the princess a quick peck on the cheek. "Until I see you again!" She curtsied causing Jade to giggle. "My lady." And without another word, she marched towards the exit of the princess' bedroom and out of the castle, determined to return as soon as she could.

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