"Let's go back inside and get changed, Minmin. We have to dry this little guy here too, he's really cold."

They walked inside the orphanage and closed the doors with a soft thud.

The blue blanket had a name engraved to its side, a darker shade of the same blue from the rest of the fabric.

At the time, Minho couldn't read it, so he just opted to ask about it. "Noona, there's something on the baby." he clutched the woman's finger tighter.

"Oh! It's his name!" she beamed, happy that the boy at least had one. "Jisung." she read aloud.

"Jisung..." repeated Minho in a whisper, inspecting the baby's face. He stopped crying and stretched his tiny arm out to grab the older's face.

The two years old smiled and took the little boy's hand very carefully. "Hi, Jisungie. Welcome home."


My eyes are fixated on the beautiful black cat outside my school. It's just laying there under the soft rays of sun from that early afternoon, no worries inside it's mind whatsoever. Just being a soft, cute little animal.

I wish I was that cat.

But I'm not, so I just have to endure the boring history lesson my teacher is giving to a handful of tired students that really don't want to be here. Or at least I don't want to be here.

Is it normal to be envious of a stray cat?

I suppose it is.

I sigh, heavy. The words of my teacher buzz somewhere inside my head, turned to incomprehensible mumble five minutes into the class because I really don't care about war and greed but that's apparently all history teachers talk about, all our antecessors have done throughout their miserable lives.

If I had to choose the subject I hate the most, history would be my first option. English is up there too, putting up a great fight to be as boring as the former winner is.

I wish I was in biology instead and just now I'm realizing that I wish one too many things.

The warm and comforting sunlight enters the class through the windows and lands right on my face. I'm trying hard to stay awake, but I'm not sure if I'll last much longer with these rays lulling me to sleep like it's their job.

I'm glad when the bell rings. Classes are over for the day and I'm quick to pack my stuff— or just throw it inside my bag without any care or respect for any notebook other than the biology and chemistry ones. I'm trying to get out of here quickly because it's Friday and I really want to get home and do nothing for the rest of the day.

My teacher, Mrs Choi, doesn't have the same plans for me, it seems. Her dull voice calls me and I close my eyes with a pained expression, quickly replacing it with a fake smile as I turn around to face her.

I was so close to the door, so close to finally being free.

She clears her throat, also packing her stuff form the teachers desk. She waits until all students are gone to finally speak up and I appreciate that she's trying to give our conversation some privacy.

"I know your... situation at home is special," she begins. My situation at home isn't special, but I won't correct her. "but you need to pay attention during class. I can understand that you have a lot of things to think about, but when you're in class you have to be in class fully. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll fail my exams."

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