"That we would pull the prank?"

"It was easy really."

George raised an eyebrow. "Really, cause most people never see it coming."

"You and Fred don't exactly have the best poker faces."

Now George looked confused. "What's poker?"

Cecil sighed. "It doesn't matter, it's a muggle thing."

"Oh," George was nodding now.

"It basically means that when I looked at you, you had this smile on your face that I knew meant that you were up to something."

"Look at me often do you Scamander?"

Cecil flushed at the comment. "That's not the point I was trying to make here."

George smiled. "Just teasing. Anyway, we better get to class, you've got Transfig, right?"

Taken aback by the quick change in topic Cecil could only nod.


As the bell rang to signal the end of the lesson, McGonagall spoke from her desk. "Mr. Scamander, please see me before you leave."

Cecil froze halfway to putting his bag on his shoulder and locked eyes with Johnnie and Angie. They came up to him and started whispering. "What in Merlins name did you do?"

Cecil whispered back. "I don't know but I'll tell you after."

The twins nodded and walked out of the room.

With that Cecil nervously walked up to Professor McGonagall's desk, thoughts of everything he could have done wrong running through his head. "You wanted to see me for something professor?"

"Yes. You are aware that you are one of my top students, correct?"

Cecil nodded slowly, this was not how he thought this was going to play out, surely there was something that would affect him in some way.

"I need you to tutor Mr. Weasley."

Ah, there it was.

"Uh, which Weasley, Professor?"

McGonagall looked amused at his question, she gave him a piece of parchment before answering. "George Weasley. Now, give this to him, it will answer any questions that Mr. Weasley has."

Cecil nodded staring at the parchment.

"You are dismissed Mr. Scamander."

Cecil nodded and walked out of the classroom to see Johnnie and Angie standing across the hall. When they saw him exit the classroom they ran up to him.


Cecil looked at Angie confused. "So, what?"

"So, what'd she say?"

"Oh, I um.. I have to tutor George Weasley in Transfiguration."

Both boys started laughing at that. "What luck you have mate!"

Cecil lightly punched Johnnie in the arm in retaliation. "Hey, if your not careful I'll be tutoring you next and I wont be nice about it."

"Alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you."

Cecil grabbed the parchment McGonagall had given him out of his pocket. "I've got to give this to George, will you two come with me?"

" 'Course mate," Angie clapped him on the back.


The trio made their way into the Great Hall, which was reasonably full, and made their way over to the Gryffindor table. The Weasley twins, with their fiery red hair, were not hard to spot.

Cecil leaned over to his friends and said. "Wish me luck."

The two turned to walk away to the Ravenclaw table. "Luck."

Cecil quickened his pace towards the twins. When he got closer he called out.


Both of the twins turned towards him.

They answered in unison. "Which one?"


They glanced at each other before Fred answered.

"At your service, Scamander."

Cecil had a deadpan expression. "I said George, Fred."

Fred turned to George, "You weren't lying, he really can tell us apart."

"Its really not hard," Cecil chimed in.

This brought the twins attention back to him.

"So, what'd you need?" asked George.

He held out the parchment. "I got a message for you from McGonagall."

George groaned and snatched the parchment, unfolding it. Fred leant over his twin shoulder. "What does it say?"

After reading the note, George looked up. For a moment they seemed to just stare at each other. Gosh have his eyes always been that beautiful, thought Cecil. Then George spoke.

"So, Scamander, you're tutoring me?"

Cecil snapped out of his trance. "Um yeah, you can call me Cecil."

"Well, when are you free?"

The question caught him off guard. "Pardon?" he coughed out.

George raised an eyebrow, "When are you free for tutoring?"

"Oh, uh. How about Tuesday when we have free period together?"

"Yeah, works for me."

"Alright, meet you in the library on Tuesday?"

George smirked, "See you then, Cecil."

Cecil turned around and walked back to his friends at the Ravenclaw table and definitely did not think about that conversation for the rest of the day.


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