Chapter 5 Body Pillow

Start from the beginning

I looked at him shoucked had he just called me cute or was he saying that Mikasa was cute. 

"I know you like being invisible but you should be more confident" Suna looked away from his phone to see my reaction

"I'll try to rember that Suan" I was kind of lost for words

"Let's take a picture together-" Suna wasn't asking he was telling me we were taking a picture

Suna leaned closer to me so his check was touching mine. I could feel his firm chest pushed into the side of my arm. He held his phone up taking several pictures of us before pulling away. 

"Let me see," I said knowing I had to be making a stupid face in the picture

Suna smirked at me "No" 

If it had been regular Suna I would have argued with him but Levi Suna just made me fluster. Especially when he smirked at me like that. We felt the train jerk as it started to move on the tracks. 

The good thing about bullet trains where they were fast. A trip that would usually take hours could be done in one thanks to bullet trains. We had bearly finished our snacks when the train pulled into Tokyo station. We exit the train into a very busy train station.

"Grab my sleeve so you don't get lost," Suna told me

I grabbed his sleeve as he led me through the crowd of people. The streets of Tokyo were just as busy as the train station. I started to see more people in cosplay which made sense since the convention center was only two blocks from the train station. We reached the convention center 30 minutes before the place opened. The line was already long so we got in line to wait. We received compliments on our cosplay. Suna took the lead in thanking the people as he knew I would be too shy to do it.

When the doors opened 30 minutes later it was like the floodgates opened people rushed to the merchant stands to buy goods. Others rush to meet Mangaka who had come to support their manga series. Suna and I didn't have any interest in any of the mangaka who had come. They were mostly shoujo writers which I had no interest in. 

"You want to go some goods?" Suna asked

"Yes I've brought almost all my savings with me to buy some merch" I answered

Suna just laughed as he grabbed my hand to lead me through the convention center. We had stopped at a few stands before we stopped at a Tokyo Revengers merch stand. I was a big fan of the show so I defiantly going to buy something. I was looking at the different figures. Suna was near me but he was watching me.

"So you only like anime that is filled with hot guys" Suna commented making my face bust into a deep blush

"That's not true" I almost shouted at him but was able to keep quiet

Suna just laughed as he studied the miniature figures of different gang members. 

"So who is your favorite" he asked

"It's Baji," I said pointing out the Baji figure

Suna leaned over to look at the figure. After gazing at it for a moment he looked at me with a smirk. 

"He looks like me" 

"No, he doesn't" This time I couldn't help but shout earning us some stares from passersby

"I was just joking," he said with a laugh as straightened up to look at the worker

Suna then waved over the woman who was working the Tokyo Revenger stand. She looked to be in her early forties and had a very warm smile. 

"How can I help you sweety" She asked Suna

"Yes, my friends would like to buy the Baji body pillow. She's too shy to ask herself" Suna lied as he pointed to the wall behind the woman

Miya Twin's Pet (Yandere Miya Twins x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now