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Harmony of hearts:

🍷 ★ Character design throughout

★ Listings of backstory
★ Character screening
★ Unique disabilities
★ Problematic lives of perspectives

💌 >★ Author lost all current progress on previous books. ⚠️ Book may contain flops, uncanny scenes, 13+ Content, Many improvement needed.

[ HARMONY OF HEARTS, posted 10th March 2024. Harmony of hearts is a series where a boy suffers from a chronicle disease where he doesn't know the difference of life and death. Other the other hand there's a girl who is deaf and is unable to hear sound of affection or any kind of noise. They both have a great connection from the past... ]

🖋️ ★ Some people say if they love you, they'll come back.

Some people let others go because they love them.

Everyone sees this world in a different way don't they? Many see it without color. Many see it dull or some see it as overly joyful.

We can't change how a person views the world since there's no perfect balance.




Dear Diary...

"It's been a while since I wrote you. How are you? I'm sorry for abandoning you, nothing deserves to be abandoned.. I hope to write you more often nowadays..."

"Until I can."

"I have been calling you for the past three hours or so!"

"Can I NOT go to school today, Roni?"
Theo replied with a bit of aggression in the corner of his voice

"Nu-uh, no kid of Huangs are skipping school, you're in college for god sakes it's not even your first day! What are you nervous about? You've been studying here for like- far more than my weak mind can remember!"

Theo rolled his eyes and got up
"Fine, I'll get ready..Have you ironed my clothes?"

"Well ofcourse I may be a old maid but my mind works very well on these cases"

His lips formed a smile in the corner
"Alright Roni, Whatever you say. Now do I get permission to change? Or are you gonna watch?"

Theo locked his door, He opened his closet to pull out his clothes and threw them on his bed

"What a drag.."


Name: Theyodore Linwood
Age: 19
Nationality: Italian
Occupation: College student
Hobbies: Drawing

Backstory: Adopted by a Taiwan family after being left out by his own, Theo picked up arts as a skill to take things off his mind.

He has a Taiwan mom & dad including a Thai brother whose older than him. Theo's parents couldn't have children at that time so they adopted kids in need. Theo's family were one of the biggest share holders of various places this being rich Theo didn't like luxury because, he has a issue of heart.

He's went through several surgeries and 4 months from now on. He has a very risky surgery which has a low percent chance... More of a 50/50 situation he wants to spend his life with peace for the few next months.

He has protocore syndrome which makes his heart weaker and weaker. Roni is a very faithful maid who has been with the Huang family ever since Theo was born, Theo doesn't get much attention from his mom but Roni treats Theo like her child

"You're getting late for school, sweetheart.. It's your first day of college. My baby is growing up so fast.."

Cia read Veronica's lips.

Cia just poured regardless Veronica is six years older than her

Veronica looked at Cia sweetly..
"You're almost 20.."

Veronica hugged Ciarán randomly and went back

Cia looks at her older sister, confused but she throws it off. She signs to Veronica

"Can you drop me off now? It's getting a bit late.."

Veronica, who was lost in thoughts nodded immediately and grabbed the car keys.


Name: Ciarán
Age: 18
Nationality: French
Occupation: College student
Hobbies: Writes books

Backstory: After a few years since Cia was born, her mother passed away in a car crash. Ciarán has blamed herself ever since that incident for some reason. They live in a small house. Their late brothers son was left alone so they adopted him.

These three live together, Veronica inherited a make-up company from her mother which is doing them well. But the business has been going down lately too

Cia has hearing aids, in a car accident with a drunk driver she lost her left ear's hearing which led to her not hearing at all. Whenever she wore hearing aids, All she heard were mixed noises.

"In aid people are handy of others. Some become vary of others. People don't share glances within the given bar of life where they create a eclipse."

"With these lies that I hold my secrets within, am I in the wrong or another mescret within?"

"It began pouring rain as the thunder struck. The roads were slippery where reminded me of the traumatic times where it all began. Sometimes I did wonder what had happened, I knew it was the rain but I never knew it could be this scary to witness a preview. Everything was full of life, now was it?"

"They say if something is loved people will adore it but I could never love something. Everyone I loved is already dead."

A rather cracked frame fell down from the shelf. Veronica was confused for a minute then walked UpTo it. She bent down and pick it up, seeing an eye amusing image.

The frame consisted of Ciarán, Veronica, Their mother and surprising as it was.. their father..?

Veronica looked up at the watch and thought to herself in a panicked part.

She quickly picked up her car keys "please be okay.." in the next corner she started her car but the tire was flat. She couldn't care less about that right then..

"He can't be out of jail yet..?"

The word jail was a strong stung wasn't it? Things never seem to make sense even if you're two steps ahead. I'm pretty sure nothing makes sense at first but eventually it'll all be okay... You'll feel way more at ease by this interaction.

It doesn't matter on how others see you but how you see the word... That's called Perspectives.

💌 >★ Thank you reading this storyline! More Intel will be provided shortly! I hope you've enjoyed this story! If so I'd love a favour! Give me ideas for the next chapter down and I'll hope to read them, adding to my next storyline! 🫶

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