Chapter 1: Excitement

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•Hey guys!! Okay, so this kinda happens to be like my first EVER wattpad story that I'm writing... BUT ANYWAYS, I'm super excited about it! I've read countless fan fictions and other stories on here and it's about time I give it a shot. I have a lot of original ideas and tricks up my sleeve that I think you'll enjoy.... Please read till the end because I have a feeling you'll like it!!! :) •


I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling for a moment or two before I reached over and shut my alarm off in aggravation. I heard Madison's footsteps as she walked towards my slightly ajar door.

"Happy Birthday Bella!", she yelled as she ran towards my bed and jumped on me. I laughed and pulled the cover over my face with a moan. Even if it was my birthday, it was way too early for this amount of hyperness.

"I just woke up..." I said in a groggy voice, still under the covers.

"And it's your birthday..." Madison stated as she slid off the bed. "And as your best friend, it is my duty to make sure you have a good one."

I pulled my face out from under the covers and saw her by the windows. She opened the blinds and blinded me with the bright lights to go along with her bright smile.

"My idea of a good birthday means sleeping in, so as my best friend you should-" I debated before being cut off by a ringing of a cell phone.

Madison rolled her eyes and gave me the 'we will continue this conversation' face and grabbed her phone from her pocket to answer the call. I took this opportunity to close my sleepy eyes again under the covers.

Madison listened for a moment before cutting the person off saying, "Yes, Jay! We'll be ready in 10, just come now...". She hung up and pulled the covers off my face.

"Wait...we? As in the plural of me and you? I'm not going to class just yet. It's my birthday and I'm sleeping in." I pouted like a child and she laughed; I could tell her and Jason were up to something.

She rolled her eyes yet again and walked toward my closet and fumbled through my clothes. "Jay and I thought it would be nice if we took you to get breakfast. And after that, you and Jay can go to Creative Writing class and I can hit the gym or something. I don't have any classes until noon. And being that food and writing happens to be your two favorite things, I thought you'd be excited", she said and we both shared a laugh.

"True, and I'll ignore the part that almost sounded like a fat joke" I said and she laughed. "But I also like my sleep," I said stubbornly with a smirk. I got up and walked towards my crazy best friend. I appreciated what they were doing for me; Madison knows this year has been tough on me not having Scott around, my ex-boyfriend whom I dated all throughout high school.

Usually Scott and I spent my birthday together by ditching all my classes and going shopping. Yes, shopping. He was perfect like that. Even though he probably hated when I dragged him from store to store trying on shoe to shoe, he put up with it. And he put up with it because he loved me, and I loved him.

"Here put this on!" Madison said, snapping me back to reality as she handed me a button-up navy blouse. I put it on along with my favorite jeans and wedged white heels. Madison walked downstairs as I finished up. I brushed my teeth and lazily put my hair in a messy bun. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and made my way down to the living room.

"Oh hey Jay, have you been waiting long?" I said surprised to see him standing at the door already along with Madison.

"Nah, just got here. Happy Birthday Bells", Jason said coming towards me with his arms wide.

Promise Me? (Boss / secretary relationship)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ