"GREAT! Now I'm bummed thinking about it! Does this thing have any liquor?" Angel said before looking around the limousine for any of it. Y/N rested her leg over the other and carefully taking off her coat from her body as she watched the drama unfold silently.

"Can you please just TRY to take this seriously?" Groaned Vaggie. With angel laying down on the floor. "Fine, I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist baby." Angel snapped his fingers and winked while doing so before continuing the search.

"Was that you trying to be sexist? Or racist?" Vaggie asked, this time standing from her seat as she glared at him in a threatening manner.

"Whatever pisses you off more." Angel replied apathetically. Much to the annoyance and frustration of vaggie. "Is there seriously no liquor in here?" Angel complained.

"I'm gonna kill him." Spat vaggie while she sat back down. "Too late toots." Angel said, which made vaggie grit her teeth.

"Wait, would that make me double dead?" Asked angel sarcastically. "Hah! Where do I exactly go? to double hell?" He said before laughing loudly. "Sorry, you're stuck with me toots, get used to it." He added with amusement in his tone.

Vaggie just looked at him with rage as she looked like a rabid animal ready to viciously devour their prey in any second it's let out of the cage.

Y/N folded her coat away, only leaving her in her neatly worn long-sleeved shirt and tie to be revealed and just decided to ignore them the rest of the ride home.

━━━━━━・❪ ⛓️⛓️ ❫ ・━━━━━━

As soon as all of them got out of the limo, vaggie and angel kicked the door open and then entered inside with Y/N and charlie following behind them, with Y/N holding charlie's hand in her own since she was begging with her eyes alone before they left the limo. Which Y/N complied as mere orders.

Y/N watched angel dust bend down over the small freezer and took a box of popsicles that have looked pretty worn out and melted for a while due to the lack of electricity.

"Hey, want some pop?" Angel said as attempted to offer them the worn out popsicles. "I doubt it'll be enough to feed the wayward soldiers out here." He said laughing. And noticed that charlie was still in her down mood.

Angel stopped laughing and went to reach out to charlie, but he stopped himself and just walked away as if not wanting bother both of them.

Charlie eventually let's go of her hand and walks out the door with Y/N watching her leave. You stood up and slowly approached the door to follow but stopped when she was about to touch the knob upon hearing charlie talking to someone.

From what she can, she had a pretty good guess it was her mother, Lilith, the queen of hell. She could hear her small sobs through the door as she eventually leaned against the door with a depressed sigh along with the sound of her figure sliding the door before she can hear hear her hanging up.

Y/N waited for a few seconds, before gently knocking on the door before slowly opening it to see charlie who took a few steps away back as Y/N stepped out the door. "O-Oh, Y/N! Uh... What are you doing out here?" Charlie asked nervously.

"I came to see if you were alright princess Charlotte.." Y/N said with a gentle smile.

"You know you can just call me charlie right? You don't need to be formal with me.." Charlie said with a nervous assuring smile. "My pologies Charlie, of course." Y/N said with a light giggle.

"Are you alright by the way charlie?" Y/N said and tilted her head while her arms were on her back.

"Y-yeah! Of course I'm fine! Hahahaha!" Charlie laughed nervously. Trying to assure Y/N that it was fine despite the obvious signs that said otherwise.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked curiously.

Charlie just sighed in defeat and explained everything to her what's happening. While both of you were now sitting against the door next to each other. With Y/N patting her back as charlie continued ranting about her problems on your shoulder while gently playing with your braid with you humming gently in response. You could feel her tears dripping on her shirt but didn't mind it.

"Well... That's about it, but it's no big deal after all..." Charlie said and sighed as she looked up at her while wiping away her tears, sniffling her nose.

Y/N smiled in assurance as she helped charlie to stand by holding gently onto her upper arms.

"It's ok, charlie, I understand what your going through is tough, but it is what it is here in hell, but I'm sure that in no time you can soon prove everyone wrong when people are eventually convinced to come here." Y/N said while wiping away a tear from her eye and charlie looked at her with sparkling eyes. "Y/N.... Can I ask you something...?" She softly replied softly.

Y/N hummed and nodded her head. "Go ahead."

"Do you actually believe in my cause at all?" She looked at you with a gleam of hope in her gaze.

Y/N chuckled gently and pats her on the head. "Of course I do, nothing would really benefit me being here and working if it wasn't you know?" She said.

"I swear on my word that you won't regret bringing me in your cause.." Y/N said while adjusting bow tie which was a bit loose and looked up at her with a smile once she was done.

Charlie smiled brightly and tightly embraced Y/N, startled at first but eventually returned the embrace. "You're the best Y/N.... I'm really glad I let you join in, and thanks for being here for me too." She said with joy, clinging on to her shirt even tighter.

'I certainly know I'm hell, but why do I feel like I'm talking to an angel?!' Charlie gushed in her thoughts with a bright red blush covering her cheeks.

"It's no problem..." Y/N said as she pats her back gently, unaware of the cold look in her gaze that Y/N had on before eventually pulling away and it was back to normal. "Now why don't we get inside now? I'm sure you wouldn't wanna get too lonely." Y/N said as she opens the door and gently guides her back inside.

"Alright then... Thanks again Y/N, It really means a lot me." She said with a bright smile before entering back inside as Y/N gestured her to go first.

Y/N looked out ahead to the corner with an emotionless look for a moment as if someone was there, before then turning away inside and shuts the door.

As soon as the door shuts, a figure from the corner emerged out with a smile wider than usual with interest and curiousity at the woman who actually noticed him, static radio noises can be heard faintly if hearing right, but no one did. So the demon decided await for a little more before making his presence known.

"My goodness, how entertaining...."


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.

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