Kefla's First

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Braid sat on his rump, staring up at the clear sky. The sky's pale blue was a little paler and the edges of the clouds were still dark enough to be inky. The wind blew through his hair, tousling it around and causing the loose strands to fall across his face and nose. The smell of the sea mixed with the scent of flowers. Birds from a mile or so away flew by, chirping amongst themselves as they did so. A small silhouette of a plane flew far over the water. It was about a mile from where Braid sat but he could clearly see the outline of its wing span. As it soared further into the distance, however, Braid lost sight of it once more.

The scenery around him was nothing special, but it made Braid relax just the same. It was soothing being able to breathe in the clean air without a cloud obscuring his vision. This day had been pretty normal. Quiet but nice, and the only thing that stood out was that there hadn't been anything to ruin this peaceful moment.

Braid can almost just stare at said peaceful sight forever and...

"Hey, punk!"

Braid hears a familiar voice coming from behind him and part of him wishes he didn't turn around to see who it was. Standing behind him, with their hands on their hips, was none other than his rival, Kefla. Kefla pound her right fist into her palm and smirked with satisfaction upon hearing her bones crack in adjustment.

"You and I have unfinished business to do." Kefla says with an evil glint in her eyes.
Braid sighed out of annoyance before standing up to face Kefla.

"Aw come on Kefla! I'm tired...I'm not in the mood to fight right now!?" Braid said, rubbing the bridge of his nose between his fingers.
Kefla laughed. Her smirk unwavering, "Hey! That last time you beat me doesn't count!"

"Yes It does—

"I don't care! I want a rematch, and I want it right here, right now!" She insisted.

Braid's blood boiled as he looked her straight in the eye, already annoyed by her childish behavior. It was at this point that she wasn't gonna take no for an answer and Braid could tell by the tone of her voice. After a moment of calming down Braid let out a tired sigh.

"Okay look. If I fight you and if I win, will you leave me alone in peace so I can sleep?" Braid asked in resignation.

Kefla smirks at the suggestion.

"Yeah! And if I win, you have to become my sparring partner. And, you have to take me out anywhere that has food, Fighters, and theme parks!" Kefla demanded excitedly.

Silence fell over the pair after his offer. Braid and Kefla stared at each other for some time before she finally spoke up again.

"What? Not interested?" She asked jokingly.
Braid blinked with a blank expression. He was silent once more and she raised an eyebrow curiously when he didn't respond immediately. After remaining quiet for a few minutes she spoke up again.

"Well? Come on! Do we have a deal?" Kefla demanded impatiently.

Braid's right brow quirked slightly.

"Soo... basically, you want me to take you out on a date?" Braid clarified.

Kefla's smirk fell and she felt flaming red heat running up her nape towards her cheeks, which confirmed what he thought.

"N-No! No!" She sputtered out quickly, "It's not a date!? We're just gonna be hanging out all day, that's all, you know bro stuff!" Kefla insisted quickly.

"Which is dating?" Braid asks skeptically, earning himself another glare from Kefla as a ball of violent green energy built up on her palm before throwing said ball at him.

Kefla's FirstWhere stories live. Discover now