"Chiara Calì," You turned back around, facing the boy again, "You?"

His face flushed even more. "P..Pannacotta Fugo. It's lovely to meet your acquaintance, Miss Calì.."

"Wonderful to meet you too, Pannacotta. And please, call me Chiara. I hate formalities."

"H-huh? What? If..you insist, Chiara.."

The boy was red by now. You felt bad about lying to him -- but then again, you lied to Abbacchio, too; and it was only to keep you safe. By using a different alias for new people, you could stay out of harm's way, easy peasy! "Well, I'll see you around, Pannacotta? Tell me how that book goes! I'd love to read it after you."

"O-oh, yes, of course!" He blinked to you, "I'll return it when I'm done. Maybe..you could..recommend me some more books?"

"Sure thing."

The corners of his lips etched upwards.

And like that, you had yet another friend

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And like that, you had yet another friend. Fugo would often visit you at the library, where he would sit and read for hours on end; waiting for you to take your break so you could read with him. He enjoyed talking to you about his interest in history and the books he had read recently, and the thing that made him even happier was the fact you seemed actually interested in what he was talking about.

Soon enough, he began to feel butterflies in his stomach when talking to you. Every time he saw you, he would grow red, and nervous to talk to you; but once you started up a conversation, it was hard to stop talking. He didn't know what to feel -- he hadn't ever felt like this for someone, so it's only natural he grew flustered and embarrassed to see you.

That also went for the lavender-haired police officer you were living with. Over the time you had spent, it's only natural he began to grow feelings for you; and every time he saw you, he found it hard to suppress a large grin. When the two of you would go out in public, people would often compliment the two of you with "such a cute couple!", or something along those lines; and every time it happened, he grew immediately red and struggled to make out words.

You on the other hand, would just smile brightly and brush it off with a "thank you". With that small gesture, it just made him fall deeper in love with you.

"One Orange Gelato, please."

You smiled at the man, holding out a five-lira bill while he nodded at you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a little boy, fourteen or fifteen, staring right at you with wide eyes. Your smile was lifted a bit more, and you turned back to the man, pulling out another bill for him. "Make that two, actually."

"Right away, Angel!"

This man, Francesco Allegro, owned a gelato shop near the library you worked at. You often went there during your time, and you had grown quite friendly with him over your time in Naples, starting up a conversation with him when it wasn't too busy. In this area, you went by the alias Angelica Cascella (you had a thing for the last names starting with "C"), so he often called you "Angel" -- simple, yet sweet.

He handed you the two gelato cones, and you nodded, thanking him. You handed him the two bills, and waved him off, walking over to where the young boy stood and handing him the other cone. "I saw you looking."

"H-huh?" He stuttered, pointing to himself. "Me..? But..why?"

"Why not?"

You grinned wider at him, and he looked down between the cone and you, hesitantly taking it from you and blinking down at it. He looked back up to you, his mouth agape, still holding the cone close to him. "You're..that girl..who works at the library, right?"

"Angelica Cascella," You nodded, "Pleased to meet you."

"Narancia..Narancia Ghirga is my name."

Your smile only spread. "You like orange, don't you?"

"Huh..? Oh..yeah, I do, actually.." He responded, a small smile appearing on his face. "..Can you buy me gelato again, another time, Miss Cascella?"

"What? Of course! You didn't even have to ask, Narancia. And please, call me Angelica, or Angel. I hate formalities."

His face grew pink, and he averted his eyes from you, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "Hey..! Don't say stuff like that.. but..if that's what you want, then okay, Angel."

The two of you met eyes again, and his smile only grew at the sight of you beaming at him. 

'She's so pretty! And nice, too! Oh, boy, how can I make this up to her..? Why would she even take interest in someone like me..? Damnit, I've gotta find a way to impress her!'

'Man, I am really a magnet for these boys. Shiitttt..at this rate, I'm gonna have to manage like five different aliases..'

He would never know what you were thinking at that time.

He would never know what you were thinking at that time

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EDIT OF 02/29:
guys there was a bit of foreshadowing in this chap lets play a little game where u try to find it!! (its probably very obvious)

y/n ur getting urself into DEEEPP shit

there'll be more fluff filler chapters with fugo, narancia, abbacchio, and the others (once hteyre introduced), because i dont wanna make it seem like i rushed anything with their characters!! so dont worry 
ps everyone will be introduced in the next few chapters so dont be worried about that
also YEs you will have an alias for every new one. Dont bother asking. if theres a new character THERES A NEW NAME BABYY

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: favorite/lucky number?
↳ me : 4 😊😊😁😁😁😁!!
STOP IM JK IM JK its actually 7 BUT i also like 13 and 21 a lot. i like odd numbers for no reason idek why

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