✮ confessions ✮

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✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

"Let's play confessions."

"What?" I chuckle as I sit next to Tom on his living room floor. "Is that even a game?"

"I don't know." He shrugs. "We'll just take turns confessing something."

"That's not a game, that's called an interrogation."

"Is not because we aren't asking questions and having to give an answer. It can be any random thing about ourselves - deep or just stupid."

I shrug. "Sure. You first."

Tom thinks for a while, leaning back onto his hands and stretching his legs out.

"I've never seen Friends."


"Never seen it." He shrugs with an amused smile on his face at my reaction. "Oh, are you one of those crazy obsessed fans of it?"

"No, not obsessed but I do love it. It's so good."

He nods.

"We should watch it!" I gasp. "I haven't seen it for a few years."

"Okay." The Brit nods again. "But not now. I need to hear some of your confessions."

"Of course." I roll my eyes before considering things I could say.

I let out a snort of laughter as I think of something. "Oh God, I can't tell you that."

"Tell me!"

"I haven't even told Rachel or Hunter."


"Fine." I gulp down my laughter and say it. "...I used to have a wattpad account."

Tom looks thoroughly disappointed by my revelation. "That's...what? Why's that so funny?"

"Tom, I wouldn't just read stuff. I would write fanfiction."


He gasps in realisation and I throw my hands up, the two of us being sent into fits of laughter for at least two minutes.

"No-" I gasp for air. "I got it because me and Rach would get bored and read stuff about ourselves and somewhere along the way I thought that I could do better."

"Jesus..." He giggles once more.

"Okay, your turn."

"I've had one nosebleed in my life."

I nod.

"I used to watch Grease everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. Like, I watched that movie religiously."

"So did I!" He nods eagerly. "Honestly, something about that movie."

Tom seems to hesitate before saying the next one.

"I had the biggest crush on you a few years ago. It never really went, celebrity crushes don't, you know?"

"Really?" My voice is softer than usual and I tilt my head so I can see him again from my spot on my back on the floor.


I shrug and basically return what he said. "I had a crush on you in Billy The Kid."

"Shut up." He scoffs.

"I did!"

We continue our little game.

"I thought you liked Timothée and got really stressed out about it."

I nod, not having the heart to tell him I already knew that.

"I...have been teased by Rachel and Hunter about something a little recently."

I was going to say something then realised I maybe shouldn't

Or should I? Would it hurt?

"They're always teasing you."

"Yeah, but this is a bit more specific."

"What is it?"

Tell him.

"I can't."

"No! This is confession time. Tell me!" Tom demands then adds on softly. "Please?"

I say it quickly, like ripping off a bandaid.

"I haven't had sex in over a year."

Oh, fuck. What's wrong with me?

"No! You're meant to tell the truth about something."

My lips part in shock at his reaction. "I did!"

"You-" He shakes his head, not believing me. "You haven't had sex in a year?"

Ah, yes. Repeat it, please.


"How is that possible?" He asks, taking my hand and gently pulling me so I'm sat up again. "The incredible, gorgeous Verity-Mae Cooper hasn't been with anyone in over 365 days?"

My mind blanks. "You think I'm pretty?"

Tom's face loses its shock and it goes pretty neutral, maybe even stern.

He pulls me closer until I'm on my knees right in front of him and he grips my chin just as gently as he does everything else.

"I said gorgeous." He corrects and there's a firmness to his tone that might just be the most attractive thing I've ever heard.

Oh. My. God.

"You really think that?"

"I do."

I lean even closer to him then, my nose touching his.

"Can I-"

"Don't ask." Tom mutters under his breath and I listen.

I kiss him, hard.

He urges me closer, hands going under my thighs and lifting me into his lap.

His lips leave mine after a while, they go to the corner of my mouth, the other corner, my nose, in between my eyebrows, my forehead, my cheek, my other cheek, my chin, my jaw, the other side of my jaw, then down the length of my neck. His hands travel down my back to hold my hips tightly.

I want to write songs about this man until my hand falls off and then I want to sing those songs until my vocal cords just give up.

My breath catches in my throat, my heart beating fast and hard. I let out a contented sigh as he kisses my neck. I don't even need to move a muscle - he's got me, fully and completely.

Tom smiles and lowers my chin again so I meet his gaze. "See? Did I not tell you? You're gorgeous." He leans back down to continue kissing me.

My breath hitches as his hands grip my hips tighter, and my back arches slightly. I wrap my arms tightly around his shoulders, pulling him into me.

He's real. So beautifully, wonderfully real.

He draws back then.

"You want dinner?"

I laugh at the sudden change of pace, head tilting back a bit before I nod. "Sure."

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