XXXIV: After School Special

Start from the beginning

"I don't have to listen to you." Matt said. 

"You do if you want to eat." Damon sneered. Matt sighed before joining Jeremy leaving Damon and Briana. 

"Oh well more for me." Briana smiled as Damon snatched the pizza box out of her hand earning him a irritated look from the werewolf. 

"Not so fast. None for you until you tell me why you decided to randomly show up here in the middle of the night." Damon questioned. Deep down he was worried about Briana, he could tells something was bothering her. 

"Would you believe it if I said it was just because I missed you?" Briana spoke sarcastically with a fake smile. 

Damon scoffed, "Yeah right." 

Briana lowered her shoulders in defeat as she sat down at the table, "Well.. my boyfriend wants to turn me into a hybrid. And I'm 99 percent sure he killed the mayor, then there's the fact I gained and lost the biological sister I didn't know I had all within a couple hours... Oh! And the biological parents I always wondered about are dead." Briana revealed, watching as Damon's eyes went with with each new detail. 

"So.. yeah.. I needed a drink.." Briana said as Damon furrowed a brow, "... and a buddy." She spoke quietly. 

Damon threw the pizza box on the table. Briana looking back up at him for a response. 

"Well then.. I'll get the bourbon." He said as he walked into the house. 

Briana couldn't help but smile thinking a conversation with Damon might be exactly what she needed. 


Briana told Damon everything. Down the smallest detail. She explained that Hayley was her sister and how she was working with someone to find their family, only to discover their biological parents are dead. 

"Really? Hayley? Caroline is going to be soooo jealous." Damon joked with a smile. 

Briana gave him an annoyed look, "Not helping." She spoke as she took a sip of her drink. 

"Okay fine sorry." Damon apologized, "Why didn't you go with her?" He asked in reference to Hayley leaving town to find any connection to their biological family. 

Briana looked at him with sincerity. Damon shrugged, "I mean as long as I've known you you've always been curious about where you come from, this is your chance." 

Briana was slightly shocked by Damon's response. She hadn't realized how much he had picked up on Briana's curiosity about her origin. She couldn't help but smile at the sincerity in his voice. 

"I don't know. I wanted to. But how can I just leave? Especially now when we're this close to finding the cure." Briana revealed. 

She couldn't help but wonder where Hayley is and what information she was finding. She said she would call Briana with updates, but so far she hasn't heard anything. Briana should've gone with her. She wanted to go with her, but she would be leaving so much behind. 

"Ahh the cure." Damon spoke with an ironic tone and raised eyebrows as he raised his glass to his lips. 

"What's that look for?" Briana questioned. 

Damon shrugged, "I just think it's interesting that you claim you don't know if you want to turn, yet the only thing holding you back from finding the family you've always wondered about is the cure.." 

Briana was stunned. She had never thought about it that way. Maybe she wanted the cure more than she realized. Maybe deep down, she wanted to turn, but she was too scared to admit it. Maybe she was over thinking it and her mind was already made up. 

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