III. From a life, not so vivid

Start from the beginning

Once again looking around you, you concluded that there were only two options to get out of here.

One: Wait for the titan's mouth to open and jump while you have chance;

or Two, transform into your titan.

The former option seemed to have a chance that's slim though, the titan itself wasn't even moving but as much as the second was tempting since all you ever wanted to do escape this place, it was risky. Especially when there were more than a dozen of people outside. If you transformed, not only that this titan would get destroyed, it goes the same with the said people that was present here as well.

You didn't need to be that much concerned about them, afterall they were nothing more than strangers to you. Even though they looked like they knew you from somewhere, but what matters was your point of view towards everything here, not theirs. Even so, there was a part of you that felt like it was somehow needed for you to protect them.

Did you want to dwell on that feeling? No, you didn't want to.

Besides, light was hitting your eyes and you realized that the mouth was ever slowly opening.


This was easier than you expected it to be.

You carefully walked towards the near opening and took a hold of one of the titan's teeth. Hearing the sounds of thumping and from your view up here, you could clearly see two titans in a rumble. That fight was something nothing to be concerned about, for now.

The next step of this escape was unplanned. How were you going to go down from here when you were more than five meters from the nearest surface. If only you had a rope with you, you would have easily solved that problem but you didn't have one.

You turned towards the sleeping girl that rested a few feet away from you. You could use the cloth used in the makeshift stretcher, but your conscience told you not to. That girl was injured, much same as you, though she was worse. With the way that steam was floating out from her skin, she was one,  albeit you paid no mind with that.

You would have, if it wasn't for the fact that you could hear the roar only a titan could in this current place and soon after, the nerve wracking sound of multiple bones cracking. You could feel your body tilting.

You looked down.

" What the...?! Shit! "

The titan was falling.

Definitely, with the way that you were falling from the side. You held tightly on the same tooth you were holding on seconds ago but this time, for dear life. You didn't want to fall on your own and hit the ground immediately, it was far off better to have the skin of the titan act as a pillow to soften your fall. And so you held on, feeling your stomach doing flips and when you hit the ground, well, when the titan hit the ground—it was safe to say that it saved you from any critical damage. You couldn't say that you were entirely undamaged though, your head was pounding, you definitely had hit the tooth during the impact of the fall.

You breathed a sigh of slight relief—it was cut midway—when an arm was wrapped around your waist. You could feel yourself rising from the air, as it brushed your face. Confused and slightly alarmed, you turned to the owner of the arm.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐊 ✩ 𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐱 𝐠𝐧! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now