Chapter 2

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After driving for about two hours we finally arrived at the new house. The house was not what I was expecting. I thought that it was going to be a small house but, Holy Shit it was huge.

The house was so big. It had three floors, big windows, a pool, hot tub, and a two car garage.

I went inside. As I was walking in my dad said "Krystal, go upstairs and pick a room, they all should have a bathroom attached to it don't worry about not having your own bathroom."

"Ok thanks dad" I walk upstairs and find my room. It was a lot bigger than my other room. It had a small balcony. I went out on it and looked out and saw that the house next to me was so close. I could practically see into their bed room. It looked like a guys room.

I took a look around my room and saw there was two doors. I opened one and it was the bathroom. It had a shower and a bath tub, with a huge vanity.

I closed that door and opened the other and it was a huge walk-in closet. I closed that door and my dad walked in.

"Honey, why don't you go introduce your self to the neighbors next door. Maybe they have kids your age!" I sighed "Do I have to? What if they don't like me?"
"Yes you have to, and while your out I will set up your furniture so when you come back you can decorate your room."
"Ok, let me just go to the bathroom to make sure I look ok."

I got into the bathroom to look at myself. My makeup was still on. When I say make up I mean like mascara and eyeliner. I don't wear a lot of make up. I brushed my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked downstairs and put on my white converse. I said bye to my parents and I was out the door.

As I was on my way over there I just kept thinking.
If they have kids are they my age?
Will they like me?
Will they think I'm weird?

I walked up to their door and rung the doorbell. I waited for a few seconds then the door opened.

A girl opened the door. She looked a few years older then me. "Hi my name is Krystal. I just moved next door. I just wanted introduce myself." She looked at me and smiled. "Hi I'm Cameron, but you could call me Cam. You can come in if you want." I nodded "sure"

I wonder what grade she's in. "Hey Cam, what grade are you in?" She looked at me "oh I'm a senior this year. What about you?"
"I'm a freshman"
She looked at me excited "Oh my brothers are freshman! hold on let me get them they are upstairs!"
Oh my gosh. I'm nervous what if they don't like me. Cam ran upstairs to get her brothers.
I grabbed my phone just to see if I had any messages. I had one from Skylar.
From Skylar: did you get to NJ yet? I miss you!
After reading it I heard them walking down the stairs.

Cam and her brothers came down. "Krystal this is brother Ethan and this is my brother Grayson."
They were twins and they were hot.

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