The fire of Destruction

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"Scary!? I'm not good with horror movies!" The youngest lady of the Orsena house said. (/we don't really now her character too much but I imagine her on the timid but responsible side)

"you can leave when ever you wish young lady" her butler replied.

{Early morning a few days later, Cale was climbing the third peak of the Ten Finger Mountains with only Raon by his side.

"Human! Taking a stroll is fun!"

'A stroll my ass.'

Cale wiped the sweat off of his face as he used the Sound of the Wind to quickly climb the mountain.}

"Cale-nim should exercise a little at least" Choi Han said, he knew cale wouldn't want too and instead would want to just rest when everything was over. Maybe they could all travel for fun like the kids had suggested, slowly though but it would be fun. With his family after the war they could live in peace.

Choi Han smiled.

'Is he thinking of a training schedule for my dongsaeng?' Alberu wondered. 'Good luck instructor nim' 

{These peaks were called the Ten Finger Mountains because they resembled fingers. This meant that the third and eighth peaks were the tallest. These two peaks were so tall that the peak was covered by the clouds and snow did not melt until the middle of summer.}

"Ah! that's so pretty!" Lily said, her eyes were sparkling. 'Someday I'll go there too!' Maybe with her family.

"The Roan kingdom is beautiful" Litana said.

"Hahahaha! of course it is!" Toonka agreed.

"I only hope we can keep it that way" Alberu* sighed. they really needed more information to survive, it unfortunate that they didn't have cale who came and supported them through the war. 'Instead we will step up, just like our counterparts did and survive'.

{'But that peak is melting.'

The final ancient power was the, 'Fire of Destruction.'

Other people would not know about it yet. This ancient power would melt about half of this third peak in two weeks.}

" it okay?" Eric asked Cale.

"yeah, I took the ancient power so the peaks shouldn't melt" Cale answered.

"So can we go?" A excited lily asked violan.

"When we have time lily, that's a wonderful idea" Violan said.

"I guess that landmarks are now extra special because cale got his ancient power there, the tree too" Bud nonchalantly commented amused.

"That's a good idea for a section of the museum..." Clopeh mumbled in thought.

"hmm yeah, we could also add a section on all the wars Young Master Cale fought in" Hilsman agreed.

"Let's keep adding good ideas as we go!" Dodori yelled excited he could help write the tale of a hero.

{"Human! It is hot! What is this?"

Cale groaned as he reached the top.

"Isn't this lava? I read about it in a book! It is hotter than the fire in the Jungle! It is an interesting power!"}

"Roan-nim is very smart" Rosalyn said smiling.

"You're right Smart Rosalyn, of course I am! And I'll keep getting smarter and stronger like goldie gramps! I'll get stronger than goldie gramps just wait!" Raon declared. 

trash's life: tcf reactOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora