You trailed off, getting a little uncomfortable under his touch. But ended up deciding to shut up, not wanting to ruin a friendship. Not like you've too many friends anyways.

‘She's calm about my hand placement. Does that mean she's comfortable..? I wonder what will feel like if I touched her--’
Yoichi can't help but feel his hands twitch at the thought, eyes fixed on his hand that was placed on your thighs. He just couldn't stop doing that.

“It's time, Team-Z. All we've do is win!”

Begrudgingly, Yoichi pulled his hand away, pulling a tight smile to you to mask his disappointment. He just can't help but get allured by your charms, and that innocence of yours was just too tempting.
And he's sure you feel the same way for him.

You resisted the urge to sigh in relief when Isagi pulled away. Physical touches make you uncomfortable, and you absolutely hate that.

But then again, this is the first time you've an opportunity to bond with other people, and you definitely don't want to ruin that. Completely tired of this this loneliness, you've decided to finally walk through the path where your fate will let you.

‘My brother, My friends, and even my parents.. I will please everyone! And then-
Maybe... Just maybe... I can be finally happy too!’

‘I like the sound of that.’ Smiling to yourself, you followed after your team with a new determination set upon your heart.

Unbeknownst to you, you're just stepping into a path where you'll left with nothing but regrets.


‘The hell is that hairstyle-’ You snorted after noticing a certain player from Team-X, ‘Just how much time does he have to create s-something like this anyways?’

Placing a palm under your chin, you stared in utter boredom as the teams take their positions. You noticed Meguru staring at you from afar, and once you looked back at him, he winked.
‘What was that-’

“Um, excuse me-”

A shy voice called out, startling you in the process. You turned towards the voice to meet onyx eyes, a shy smile on his face. The make had a tattoo of what seemed like some sort of spider covered his neck, and he seemed pretty muscular too.
'He looked a lil older than me. But does he work here?'

“Here,” He passed you some sort of bag, “You seemed pretty uncomfortable in that uniform, so I asked Ego to get a new one for you, dear (L/N).”

“Who even are you..?”

“You can call me December,” He grinned as you accepted the bag, seemingly checking up your new uniform, “I work as a Medic here.”

‘He seems pretty build up even though he's just a medic. Way more than me- the emotional damage is insane.’ Internally weeping, you sighed when December sat a little far from you, trying his best not to invade your personal space.

“I hope you don't mind me staying here, L/N.” He awkwardly coughed, averting his eyes from you, “If you're getting uncomfortable, just inform me. I'll leave--”

“It's fine. You can stay.” Resisting a yawn, you turn your attention back to the match, hearing the whistle blow, indicating the start of the match.

Meanwhile, December stared at you from the corner of his eye, lips forming a thin line, ‘I wonder why Ego-san told me to keep an eye on her.’
Before sighing discreetly.


‘I want to pull my hair out-’ Resisting the urge to barge in the field and slap your teammates for their stupidity, you clenched your fists, ‘That's not how it's done!’

You resisted the urge to sigh again when the other team joined in, ‘This is not what that Ego guy meant by recreating soccer from zero.’

Suddenly, something caught your eye-

Or rather someone...

Team-X No.10

The spiky haired male stole the ball and swiftly dodged the players like it was nothing. A stern look was maintained on his face as he sprinted towards the goal, and you can't help but wonder how much hair gel he must've used to keep those hair in place.

“Get out of my way,” The male said to Yoichi, “Or I'll kill you.”

‘What in the-’ You stared with dotted eyes, ‘But I must admit, he's pretty good.’

To everyone's surprise, instead of passing it to another player or dribbling through Isagi and Kuon, the male kicked the ball right above their heads.

‘A heel lift huh? Cool,’ You mused, staring intently at the scene, ‘But I'm cooler. Now laugh..’

“Listen you shitty peasants,” The spiky-head started, “The ball is nothing more of a mere peasant for me that makes me look good on field.”

‘A ball can't make you look good, you idiot. Do something about those hair and then we'll talk,’ Pausing yourself, you frowned a little at a sudden realization.

‘Wait I think he meant at as a striker or something. He's cornier than me.’

“On the field, I'm the king.”


“Hey December,” You called out as the said male turned to look in your direction, as you pointed towards Barou's figure, “Is that guy alright?”

“O-Of course..?” He muttered in an unsure tone, “To be honest, I don't know. He's always like that. Threatening me and all, but I just ignore him. I mean--”

He suddenly cut himself off after realizing how rude that actually sounded. His cheeks turned slightly red out of embarrassment.

“Please don't tell him though. I don't want to die at a early age.”

“Neither do I, so don't worry.” You chuckled, staring how the “King's team” started congratulating him.

..And on your team, Raichi was cursing Yoichi.

‘My team is the best hah.’

Snorting, you sipped some of your water before heading out to change.


I love torturing myself lol

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I love torturing myself lol

And with that
I love all my pookies 😍😘

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