Cecil glanced at Wallace before he turned to look at George.

"You really think it's cool, you don't think it makes us dangerous?"

A look of confusion passed over Fred's face before settling into a smile.

"Of course not! Right, Fred?"

Fred was nodding along next to his brother.

"Right, it is George!"

At this a look of relief passed over the faces of both Cecil and Wallace. Cecil was glad that there were people out there who didn't make assumptions about him based on what his father happened to be.


Everyone had packed into the Great Hall for the feast. Candles floated high above the tables creating enough light for the whole room and the ceiling that reflected the night sky outside was swimming with constellations and beautiful shades of blue and purple. The magic that was found at Hogwarts never ceased to amaze Cecil despite having grown up with a magical father.

Upon arriving at the Ravenclaw table he immediately found Johnnie and Angie and sat down across from the pair.

"So, how was the carriage ride?" Cecil asked, putting his elbows on the table, and leaning forward.

Johnnie rolled his eyes, "Don't ask."

"I take it that it wasn't very good then?"

Angie piped up, "It was horrendous, honestly. There was this couple sitting across from us and they wouldn't stop eye-fucking each other."

Cecil let out a bark of laughter.

"Merlin, am I glad that I wasn't there."

Johnnie had his head in his hands. "It was terrible."

Angie rested his face on his hand and looked at Cecil. "So, who did you and Wallace get stuck with then?"

Cecil turned his head away bashfully and Angie gasped. "Was it George?"

Cecil's face started to heat up and he opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by Dumbledore standing to address the school.

"Mr Filch, our beloved caretaker has asked me to inform you all of the new additions to the list of forbidden items in the castle. The list now includes Screaming Yo-Yos, Fanged Frisbees, Ever-bashing Boomerangs, and Chocolate Marshmallow Bunnies." He paused "The last one was a joke. The full list now includes four hundred and thirty-seven items and can be viewed in Mr Filch's office."

Johnnie leaned in to whisper to the others. "Filch is mental isn't he? I mean four hundred and thirty seven items. That's insane."

Both Cecil and Angie just nodded in response before Dumbledore continued to address the students.

"Now, I have heard that there is a rumour flying around that Quidditch will not be played this year. Today I am here to tell you that that rumour... is in fact true."

The hall erupted into noise at this news. Students were appalled by this information and were voicing their opinions loudly; this included the trio of Ravenclaws .

Cecil leaned back in his seat and cried out.

"That's bollocks!"

His friends joined in with similar outcries, they had all been really looking forward to playing quidditch that year.

As the chatter and yelling quietened down Dumbledore spoke again.

"There, however, is an explanation to this. This year Hogwarts will play host to a legendary event. An event that has not taken place for over a hundred years... The Triwizard Tournament."

The hall was filled with excited chatter from students. Angie pointed a finger at both Johnnie and Cecil.

"Ha, I told you I was right."

Both boys wore a look of irritation as Angie sat there looking very proud. Before any of them could say anything one voice cut through all the chatter.

"You're joking!"

Of course, it was Fred Weasley.

"I assure you, Mr. Weasley, I am not joking. Now, for those who are unaware the tournament was established several centuries ago as a way for the three largest Wizarding school in Europe to compete in several magical contests while the rest of their respective student bodies get to experience cross-cultural social engagement."

A heavy silence hangs in the air, one filled with the excited energy of all the students.

"In summary: One got to spend the entire year getting to know people who spoke different languages. Unfortunately, due to the worryingly high death toll, the tournament was cancelled... until now. Tomorrow, the representatives from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magical Arts and the Durmstrang School of Wizardry will journey to and arrive at Hogwarts. This year we open our home to them. All I ask is that you endeavour to make this year a happy one."


REDAMANCY [George Weasley] (ON HIATUS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon