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Potter Manor, august 31, 2023, England

"Wake up little lily"James potter teases his little sister "are you ready for your O.W.L.S" he laughs to himself "ugh go away James" lily Luna complained , throwing a pillow at her brother " alright then" James grinned "but you seriously need to get up" her turned around and left her room while laughing to himself.Lily stared up at her ceiling "why me" she kept repeating to her self "why do I have to to O.W.L.S this year".

After a while she forced herself to get up, when she got downstairs James, Albus and teddy where already up. "finally your up, it took you long enough"teddy grins, "hey, it's hard to get out off bed on a school day"Lily laughs, "well you don't want to keep that up Lils, rose is head girl and if she ever noticed she'd kill ya" James muttered while chewing his food, "shut your mouth when your eating James it's disgusting" Albus says unimpressed, "we saved you a seat" Albus smirked, to Lily's luck it was the seat between Albus and James, probably the only two people in the world who can't go five minutes without arguing.

Lily plodded her self to her seat only to be met by her mums amazing scrambled egg and toast, James poked his head over her shoulder, "it's definitely something for breakfast on the first day off school" James said sniggering "oh shut up James your literally eating coco pops" lily laughs while pointing to her brothers breakfast, "for your information coco pops are the best" James protested, "oh James you have loads of girls, stop defending your beloved coco pops" teddy smirks, "oh shut up all off yous" James argues, "hey I didn't do anything" Albus smirks while putting his hands in the air.

While all this was happening lily had already finished her breakfast, "you've done fast" James says astonished, "I was hungry" Lily replied "im off to get dressed, you should too Albus" she smiled singling out her brother, " yeah Albus" James and teddy said in sync.

Lily went up to her room only to be met by a very familiar owl, Tilly, Tilly was her godmother Lunas family owl.It was a small light brown owl that always seemed to bump into stuff. "hello Tilly" Lily smiles while petting the small owl, she noticed a letter in the owls beak. There's probably only two people in that house that would send her letter. She took the letter from the owls beak and read it.

Dear Lily

I know I'm going to see you in an hour but Lorcan already after going girl crazy again and it's the same girl as last time Estella I know your best friends with her so tell her to watch out for crazy Lorcan

Anyways are you excited for school, mum said yous might meet us there that would be amazing , please reply soon

From the better twin


Lily closed the letter and put it on her vanity, she just knew Lorcan was going to go crazy over Estella Ellis and that Estella thought of Lorcan like a friend.She also knew Lysander would go mental If he had to listen to Lorcan on the train or really at all.

She took her clothes out of her wardrobe and get ready. She wore a beige top with cute jeans and a beige body warmer for her accessories she wore a gold locket that was shaped as a heart when you opened it one half was a picture of lily, Estella Ellis and Cassidy redd from there third year, on the other half there was a picture of lily Hugo Lorcan and Lysander from Lily's fifth birthday. She always kept the necklace very close to her and wore it nearly every day, it was probably one of the most important things she owned.

She picked up her truck and ran Downstairs only to be met by her cousins Hugo and Rose and her aunt and uncle Hermione and Ron who were standing next to her own parents Ginny and Harry. "hello lily dear are you excited for Hogwarts " her aunt said while she hugged her " I wouldn't be excited if I were her she has her O.W.L.S this year"her uncle Ron commented "oh shut up Ron" her aunt argued while hitting him " there not that bad but you do need to do a lot off studying that all" Hermione reassured her niece. Lily laughed at her aunt and looked over her shoulder to see her cousin Hugo who was laughing at his own mum, " what are you so happy about" Lily smirked, " she done the exact same thing to me this morning, after she done it to me I begged her to do it to you"Hugo laughed.

"Alright if my watch is right we need to go to King's Cross now" Harry beamed, "right Hugo and lily in my car rose and Albus in Ginnys" Hermione told the kids "James teddy go in any car you want", "I think I'll go in mums car with Rosie and albie" James teased, Teddy agreed " mum tell him to stop" argued Albus, "sorry,nothing I can do, in the cars you lot" Ginny grinned, they all went to our assigned cars, lily thought her and Hugo had the best car because the was no James and Albus and no James and Albus means no arguing.

"Did you hear Lorcans gone girl crazy again" Lily smirks, " yep crazy for Estella again, he hasn't stopped writing to me about her" Hugo replied "does Estella even know who Lorcan is", " yeah but every time I bring him she just says there friends" Lily laughs, " will you two stop talking about other peoples lives" Hermione grins, " fine" Hugo and lily laugh.

After a while of talking, sleeping and eating they had finally made it to King's Cross. It was as crowded at usual, lily and Hugo started playing the game 'who's a wizard' for fun it didn't last very long because most people there were either old or an adult with a toddler or baby.

When they made it to platform nine and 3/4 it was extremely crowded you could barely notice or hear anyone, after a while of walking around they heard a "Lily, Hugo over here" the two looked around curious.After a while they realised who the voice was, Lorcan scamanders, they looked around and saw someone jumping up and down. They two ran over to him "hey Lorcan" Hugo smiled, "hey bro look over there" he pointed to a tall blond girl with her hair down long, she was wearing a blue and white floral top and white jeans. On her wrist she was wearing a gold bracelet and a blue clay bead bracelet, on her neck she wore a sun pendant, only one person could ever be that perfect, it was Estella Ellis the Girl beside her was short and brunette she had her hair in two French braids, she was wearing a beige and black striped jumper ,blue jeans and a fluffy beige coat. On her wrist she had a yellow clay bead bracelet and on her neck she had a gold necklace with a yellow gem, it was obviously Cassidy redd. "She's so pretty" Lorcan smiled, "who Cassidy or Estella"Hugo questioned, lily tuned out of that conversation and looked to find Lysander when she found him he was talking to his best friend aiden blight, they kept looking at her then looking back to each other, it was strange to her, she was used to other people doing it but never Lysander and aiden.

Suddenly lily felt someone wrap there arms around her, "oh Lily I'm so happy to see you again" Cassidy says excitedly " missed you too Cassie" Lily smiles, wrapping har arms around her friend. "Well lils long time, no see" Estella smirked, " missed you too Stella" she laughed as she hugged her friend, "now that we're all together lily can get her bracelet" Cassidy reached into her pocket and pulled out a beige clay bead bracelet " I remembered the colours you wore most last year and it was beige so here you go" she handed lily the beige bracelet, "oh Cassie it's beautiful, thank you"Lily smiled ,"now we're all matching" Estella laughed

"EVERYONE ON THE TRAIN" the conductor roared, Lily ran over to her mum and dad, " Lily dear, have a great time" her mum chimed " and don't get into too much trouble" her dad added on, she gave them both a hug and ran on the train. When she got on she found Estella and Cassidy they were sitting in the same compartment they have been sitting in since first year, every knew it was there's because ingrained in the table was




In messy handwriting.

As she stepped into the compartment all she could hear was Estella and Cassidy giggling to themselves. "What are yous giggling about now" Lily smirked, "Blondie keeps looking at you" Estella grins,while pointing to the compartment beside them,Lily looked to her left only to see Lysander and Aiden looking at them, " they've been doing that since I got here and I don't know why, this morning Lysander sent me a letter and now he just keeps looking at me then looking away" Lily clarified, "yeah that's because he like" Cassidy started but was quickly interrupted by Estella " Cassidy shut up" she giggles, " sorry" Cassidy smirked.

Lily didn't know much but she knew one thing, thing year was going to be interesting.

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