"Timeline's wrong", Nancy pointed out.

"I'm sorry?"

"Your timeline is wrong. And the girl with the buzzed hair, she's not Russian. She's from Hawkins Lab. Her name was Eleven"

"You might wanna sit for this", Jonathan suggested.

Max arrived at the arcade. After discovering the out of order sign on her usual machine. Keith took her to the back room where Lucas and Rosie were waiting for her. "You better get me that date now", Keith said. "I told you I would", Lucas replied.

"And keep things PG in here, alright?"

He winked, closing the door. "He is never going on a date with my sister", Rosie stated. "What is this shit?" Max asked them.

"Sorry. We just needed a safe place"

"A safe place to what? Be creepy?"

"Listen. We're gonna tell you the truth about everything that happened last year. But if anyone finds out, you could be arrested. Possibly killed"


"We need to know", Lucas said. "Do you accept the risk?"

"Oh, my God! This...this is so stupid"

"Do you accept the risk?"

"Yeah. Sure. Fine. I accept the risk. Let's hear it"

"Last year...Will didn't get lost in the woods", Rosie explained. "He got lost somewhere else".

Margo was at the mall, holding her bags full of shopping when she spotted Steve, muttering to himself outside the flower shop. Before she could make an escape, he caught her eye. "Hey! Margo!" he greeted her.

"Hey, Steve. What are you doing?"

"Buying flowers for... For..."



"You know, you usually get the flowers if you enter the store"

"Yeah, right. Yeah, I just don't really know what to get her to say sorry"

"Sorry? Sorry for what? Didn't she call your whole relationship bullshit?"

"Yeah, she did. But she was drunk. She didn't mean it"

"What if she did?"

"She didn't"

"Okay. Red roses. They're her favourite"

"Why didn't I remember that?"

"No offence, Steve but you're that great of a boyfriend. Do you even remember my favourite flower"


"Oh. Okay. Well, I'm gonna go. Good luck"

"Did you drive here? Or is Jonathan around?"

"No, my car's broken down. I got the bus"

"Is someone picking you up?"

"I'm just gonna get the bus again. It's no big deal"

"No way. I'll drive you home. I'm going that way anyway"

"Steve, no. You're buying flowers and going to Nancy's. I'll wait. I'm fine"

"No, not a chance. I'll be just a minute buying flowers and like, five minutes tops at Nancy's. Then I'll get you home. Sound good?"

"Fine. Whatever. Only because the bus stinks"

He smiled.

They arrived at the Wheeler house and Steve got out with his bouquet of red roses. "Make it really quick", Margo yelled out the window. He gave her a thumbs up as he started walking up the driveway, muttering to himself. She couldn't help but wonder why he was never walking up her driveaway, muttering and apologetic with a bouquet of lilies. She was snapped out of her daydream by Dustin, opening the car door holding the bouquet. "Do you still have that bat?" Dustin asked Steve. "Bat? What bat?" Steve replied.

Still-Stranger Things Season Two AUWhere stories live. Discover now