Upon reaching the lobby of Triple Towers Hotel, I immediately texted Ann. While waiting, I couldn't help but ponder if my reaction earlier was too much. As if on cue, Ann arrived, arms wide open and ready for a sweet embrace.

"Hello Khadie, it's great to see you," Ann greeted me with a friendly smile. "I've been looking forward to catching up with you. How have you been lately? Is there anything new or exciting happening in your life that you'd like to share?" She proclaimed and thrust her arms forward for a hug.

""Hello Ann, it's great to see you!" I declared with enthusiasm, embracing her tightly and conveying my heartfelt appreciation for her assistance with my belongings.

"Did you eat dinner? My gosh, you brought clothes for just two nights!" Ann exclaimed, surprised by my luggage.

"I thought of going for a swim here, you know, to have more clothes and not bother borrowing from you, Ann!" I quickly replied, trying to come up with a rational explanation.

I was relieved that I had thought of a valid reason just in time. When we got to their hotel room, I saw my aunt and cousins waiting for us. "Hey guys!" I greeted them, giving each of my cousins a firm hug before approaching my aunt. "Wow, you guys are definitely living it up on this vacation!

"Absolutely, Khad," my aunt replied with a grin. "We needed a break from the stress , and your cousin Georgina is here with her foreign boyfriend, who's footing the bill!" I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride knowing that my family was enjoying a well-deserved break. I feel happy for them, but I wish I could bring my mom and dad on this vacation too. It's really inspirational for me.

"Everyone, let's eat! Dinner's ready!" I saw Georgina setting up the food and plates on the dining table. "Hey, Khad!" She noticed me and came over for a hug.

My irritation from earlier disappeared because of my aunt's family. They treated me like a sister and daughter, and it made me feel at home.

We both took our seats, and the dishes were delicious. There were pork tocino, fried chicken, and a vegetable salad. I ate a lot and looked like I was starving.

"Since Khady is here, how about a little night out!" Ann suggested, which I never expected. I was exhausted from our flight with Ahmed, and she wanted to go out? Oh gosh.

"Well, that's great, isn't it, Khad?" Georgina agreed with her sister and I just smiled and scratched the back of my head, showing my approval.

It's great and all, but I have work tomorrow. It's just not practical to go out tonight.

Although I agreed to join them, I feel like I can't refuse. While we were still having dinner, my mother called and I positioned the camera so she could see who I was with.

"Surprise, Mom! I'm with them," I said.

"Hi, my dear sister!" My mother exclaimed in shock as she didn't expect me to be with them.

"Hello, our youngest! We invited Khady to join us since she's already in Cebu," explained my aunt as she finished the last piece of chicken adobo and approached my camera to talk to my mom. They look really cute together!

"Thank you, we appreciate it. Take care of Khad while we're away. How long have you been here?" my mom asked, with a firm tone in her voice. My aunt was still sitting next to me, sipping her iced tea.

"We just got here. We immediately called Khad as soon as we arrived," my aunt replied, gesturing towards the whole family eating at the dining table.

"Hi Aunt Cris!" Georgina greeted with enthusiasm, still munching on her food.

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