The loss

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It hurts. The Loss.
The never coming back.
It hurts. The feeling.
The feeling of never seeing you again.
It hurts. The Loss.
The Loss of a best friend.
It hurts. The feeling.
The feeling of your warmth that isn't really there.
It hurts. The Loss.
The inevitable Loss.
It hurts. The feeling.
The feeling of faith fading.
It hurts. The Loss.
The not knowing how.
It hurts. The feeling.
The feeling that you'll never be okay.
It hurts. The Loss.
The way I lost you.
It hurts. The feeling.
The feeling of losing myself.
It hurts. The Loss.
The way I hear you when you're not here.
It hurts. The feeling.
The feeling of losing you over and over again.
It hurts.
The Loss... hurts

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