"I hate this place so much, Sylene," you sniff, trying not to cry. "It's filthy, loud and the bathroom smells of wet dog."

"Ugh. Some men are just so disgusting, Y/N. You need to get out of there. You're the only girl in a dorm full of utter freaks."

On your bed, you pull your knees up to your chest. Even though you know your room is locked, you still don't feel safe. "I know, but it's useless. They'll never put me somewhere else now. I'm stuck here, I know it."

On the other end of the line, Sylene falls silent for a long moment, and suddenly, you think you've been cut off. "Sylene? You there?"

"Yes. Yes, sorry. I was just thinking. We have so many rooms here. It seems dumb that they're all empty, and you need somewhere to stay."

You sit up straight, realising where this is going. "Oh, no. Really. That's sweet of you, but I wasn't trying to orchestrate an invite. I don't want to be a burden. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Nonsense. I didn't think you were! You're my friend. Firstly, I don't want you to have to worry about those dickheads anymore, and secondly, you wouldn't be a burden because this house is massive." She laughs. "You'd probably never be seen."

You cringe, shaking your head. "I really appreciate it, Sylene, but I can't ask that of you. Plus, wouldn't your dad have a problem with it? I very much doubt he wants some stranger living with him."

Sylene makes a noise of disgust in the back of her throat. "Gods, don't worry about him. His rooms are on the far side of the house. He's hardly ever in, anyway. Trust me, it'll be fine."

The idea of being able to pack up your stuff and get the hell out of here is looking more and more appealing by the second. And although you don't want to put Sylene and her dad out, you selfishly would love to stay somewhere quiet where you could study without interruption.

And shower without interruption.

You wince, the memory of the bathroom incident giving you the last nudge to change your mind. "Okay... but please ask your dad first. I couldn't bear the idea that he'd be annoyed at me being there."

"Fine, fine. I'll ask him," Sylene says. "But I'm sure it'll be absolutely fine. Get your stuff packed, and I'll come pick you up in an hour."

After hanging up, you sit there on the bed for a minute, unable to believe your luck. The feeling of relief that washes over you is indescribable. Just the thought of leaving this awful place, with its constant noise, filth, and now danger, is like a lifeline being thrown your way.

I can't help but feel a little guilty for taking advantage of Sylene's offer, but the desperation to escape this fucking hole is more than I can bear.

"I can't believe this is happening," you murmur to yourself, still in a bit of shock. The idea of living in a house with empty rooms, away from the chaos of the dormitory, seems almost too good to be true.

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