chapter one, welcome to tommen

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Lyla Lynch was on edge, as always. Today marked her first day at Tommen College, She was transferring with her twin sister, Shannon.

Lyla wasn't rich by any means, her mom had worked day and night to afford for her and Shannon to switch schools, even while pregnant.

Now it wasn't because their mother was just a giving person, it was because the severeness of the bullying at their past school had wounded the girls. There was a certain girl, named Zoey, who would bully Lyla relentlessly.

It got so bad that Joey had gotten involved, which was half the reason Lyla had to move schools.

"Lyla! I need to fucking piss!" A loud voice boomed from outside the bathroom door. Lyla rolled her eyes, and smoothed her hair out one last time before exiting the bathroom.

"You look so preppy." Joey teased, "Both you and Shan."

"Shut up." Lyla blushed and moved past him, "Do I look bad?"

"Nope you two look like you'll fit in." He ruffled Lyla's hair, earning a groan from her.

"Let's go Lyla." Shannon said pulling Lyla down the stairs.

"Is mam driving us?" Lyla asked Shannon.

"No you two are riding the fucking bus." A loud voice yelled from the kitchen, it was their father.

"Okay." Lyla sighed and quickly regretted it.

"Don't cheek me girl!" Their father inched closer.

The two were saved when Joey emerged from the stairway, "Guys leave you're gonna be late."

Shannon and Lyla grab their bags and are rushed out the door.

Lyla and Shannon shivered while they walked to the bus stop, both of them too nervous to speak.

The bus ride was fairly quick, and when the humongous school came into view, the girls were in shock.

Lyla and Shannon anxiously left the school bus, and were relieved when they saw their old best friends, Claire Biggs and Lizzie Young.

"Oh my fuck! Is that Lyla Lynch!" A loud voice yelled, Lyla smiled upon seeing Lizzie.

Lyla wrapped her into a hug, smiling big.

"What are you guys doing here!" Claire gushed.

"We transferred." Shannon said quietly while smiling.

Claire erupted into a swarm of giggles, but Lyla wasn't focused on that.

A boy was staring at her, a very blonde boy. He was smiling a bit, almost smirking. The two held eye contact for almost a whole minute, Lyla was the one to break it.

Lyla followed Shannon aimlessly towards their first class, and Lyla made sure to pick a seat near the back.

She was hoping to see the boy from earlier, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Lyla zoned out in class, it was weird for her, not being picked on for once.

Lyla never really knew what made her so unlikable, Shannon always reassured her it was just jealousy.

After Lyla's history class, she had to go to the lunch room. She never usually sat in the lunchroom, her and Shannon would typically hide in the bathrooms.

But things are different here. Lyla reminded herself biting her cheek.

She anxiously looked around for Lizzie or Claire, but came up short.

Lyla felt like everyone was looking at her, her hair fell around her face like a protective shield.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around her, frightening her. She sighed in relief once she realized it was just Claire.

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