"I don't want you to worry while you're there," Taylor says, rubbing a hand across her shoulders. "Why don't you go hiking, or—"

"If it was the other way around and you asked me to go, I would," Karlie interrupts quietly.

"That's because I'm the careful one. You're not," Taylor says with a small sad smile.

"Why do we even need to be—"

"Let's not do this right now? I just want to have a nice night with you, I don't want to get into all of this. I'm really sorry that we aren't going to be together, but the very first day you get back I will take you out to lunch in public wherever you want," Taylor replies.

"Fine," Karlie mumbles stubbornly.

"So what do you want to do now since our Scrabble game was an innocent bystander of your destruction?" Taylor asks drily.

Karlie rolls her eyes with a smile on her face, and Taylor is thankful to see her green eyes light up once more.


Karlie knows the late night has turned into the early morning hours, but she doesn't move from her position on top of Taylor. She has her face nuzzled into Taylor's neck, breathing in her vanilla woodsy scent, as Taylor's fingers, lost in the back of her hair, slowly massage her scalp and upper neck.

"This is my favorite thing," Karlie had mumbled, close to an hour ago now, and Taylor did not let up after the statement.

She doesn't want to leave, knowing that they will be saying a goodbye for a span of five days. Karlie has always been the stronger one of the two when saying goodbye, that has been the way it was since first saying goodbye after their road trip, but she needs all the time she can get now to muster that strength for Taylor.

Having come to the apartment directly after work because of Josh, Karlie still remains completely unpacked for her obnoxiously early 4:30 AM flight to Sweden. Already worried about all the alone time she would have with only her and her thoughts, she has thought about each of the five days and what they might hold for her. She nows tomorrow would be the easiest. If I force myself to stay awake on the flight the whole time, then right when I land I have to go to work, once I get back to the hotel I will be able to sleep the entire rest of the day away probably. That's one day down.

"Karlie," Taylor says in a whisper, "I think you have to go now or you'll be late."

Karlie sighs and knows it to be true, but she just can't find the resolve to sit up and get off of Taylor, especially with the singer's hand still lost in her hair. As though Taylor has read her mind, she takes her hand away and takes a moment to neatly straighten her hair.

"Come on, babe," Taylor says a little louder, patting Karlie's back lightly as she begins to move beneath Karlie's larger body.

Karlie grudgingly sits up but stays where she is, leaning against the cushion. Taylor stands up and quickly kisses Karlie's forehead before leaving the room. She returns a few moments later, with Karlie's sneakers and a brown paper bag in hand.

"I put some snacks in there for your flight," Taylor says, handing the bag over.

"You're giving me a paper bag lunch?" Karlie asks with a small laugh, examining the bag closer, feeling surprised to even be able to laugh right now.

"Yes, have a great day at school," Taylor replies drily.

Karlie smiles and settles back against the couch cushion. I'm in love with you.

"Karlie, come on, you're already running late," Taylor says, pulling at Karlie's hand a bit. "Put your shoes on and get out of my sight," Taylor says playfully.

Kaylor: The TimelineWhere stories live. Discover now