Florence looked at Josie before waving back, before signing how Josie was doing? She couldn't speak but could hear perfectly but the family chose to sign around her, but with Gabi and Jennie still learning they used words too.

"I'm good and you?" She signed back also saying the words so the twins could learn and understand.

"I missed you."

"Me too Flo, me too, I got you something, Grandpa Charlie got it from a friend, hope you like it," Josie said taking out the first edition book from her bag, making Flo smile hard.

"Thank you," she signed making Josie nod her head.

"Josie my teacher says my French is perfect," Gabi said now wanting his older sisters attention.

"Oh really? I'm so proud of you, what about your signing?" Josie asked making Gabi shrug his shoulders.

(When speaking with Florence around Josie also signs)

"I won't give you your gift," she said shaking her head at the boy.

"I'm trying," he signed at her making her smile, she never wanted Flo to feel left out or her to not be able to communicate with her siblings just because she couldn't speak.

"The gift," he demanded making Josie roll her eyes, before taking the shirt and tickets out of her bag.

"Really?" He asked surprised making her nod her head.

"I love you so much," he said throwing his hands around her and kissing her.

"Hey what about me?" Jennie asked with a pout on her face.

"How could I forgot you," she said handing her a box, with a custom made doll, named Jennie.

"How could I forgot you," she said handing her a box, with a custom made doll, named Jennie

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Josie hadn't met any of the girls yet so going to training she hoped they were a bit nice

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Josie hadn't met any of the girls yet so going to training she hoped they were a bit nice. Especially since the news surrounding her moving here was not the best with the whole, nobody wanted the nepo baby story. Even thought she doesn't think she's a nepo baby.

"Hi," Josie heard a voice say making the girl look up.

"You're also new right? The British princess all of the girls are excited to meet you," she said taking a seat next to Josie.

"Really?" Josie asked with a small smile.

"Of course... I mean you're a princess everyone is kind of like wait we're playing with the future queen," she said fixing Josie's hair, "we're glad you're apart of the team and I know you might feel nervous and all but don't worry we're here if anyone does anything you report to me."

"Thanks, since you know my name, can I get yours?" Josie said as they both stood.

"Sakina," she said standing too and now noticing the height of the girl, "wow you're tall," she joked making Josie laugh.

"Ladies this is Josephine..."

"Oh Josie's fine, or anything really, I don't mind," she said waving to the girls who waved back, they were all smiling at her but she could see that some of them were a bit hesitant of her.

"You caught us on our soft day," their manager said specifically looking at Josie putting a hand on her shoulder.

"We're going to be lifting today nothing heavy and then we'll be playing against one another, it's to see how you fit in to the team," their manager said making Josie nod her head as she followed the rest of the girls falling in behind them as they all had their own little cliques.

"Josie come you'll be my partner," Sakina said making Josie nod her head as she went onto the machine next to her.

"You're training with your military right? Is this easier or harder?"

"Definitely easier, the marines training is so hard you'll be shaking by the end of the night, it's high intensity and you're woken up early too and you immediately have to get your mind right, sometimes we have drills in the early hours," she explained this was nothing compared to that, especially the time they were carrying around heavy bags in water, she was sure a few people passed out, she was close to passing out too.

"I had higher intensity too at my previous team, it seems everything here is relaxed," Sakina said prompting Josie to ask what previous teams she played for and obviously her national team.

"How are the relationships around?"

"Obviously some people aren't happy, I've heard some say that the next transfer window their leaving I think it's two or three, one might go to Chelsea our second captain left for Lyon, my former team so we'll decide later on who we want for the position," she whispered before talking about normal gossip.

They went through the rest of their training in comfortable silence only speaking here and there to learn some new information about one another. They moved around a bit trying around new machinery, the two pushing each other to the limits. They were going to be a force these two, they both could see it, even their teammates could see it as they took a break.

"Josephine right?"

"Yes, sorry I forgot your name, I'm not that good with big group names," she said as she took a sip of her water.

"Oh it's fine, I understand Grace," she said outstretching her hand out.

"Very nice to meet you, Sakina told me you're our captain," she said motioning to her new friend who was talking to their manager.

"You speak French?" Grace asked shocked, maybe she needed to go do a little research on their new youngster they all thought she was here because she was a bored princess looking to do something.

"Yes, my grandmother wanted me to be fluent in more than one language, so what was it you needed?"

"Oh yes I just wanted to welcome you to the team, we're a bit messed up at the moment but I can not wait to see what you have to offer," she said smiling at the girl who was biting on her bottom lip.

"Thank you, I also can't wait to play with you all." She replied with a small smile pushing a few hairs behind her eyes.

Josie found playing football with the girls exhilarating and a great way to challenge herself physically. She loved the rush of adrenaline that came with each sprint and the satisfaction of scoring goals. Even though it was just practice, everyone had been shocked because most of them had thought they had just allowed her into the squad because of her title. However, Josie's skills and determination quickly proved them wrong. She showcased her ability to outmaneuver opponents and she showed that one day she would be a great asset to the team, earning the respect of her teammates. Her inclusion in the squad was not a mere favoritism, but a testament to her talent and dedication. Now they just needed to see her on the field.

"Let's take a group picture to celebrate your first training," someone suggested making Josie nod her head as the girls all surrounded her, big smiles all around.

Josie's first game was home so she was immediately presented with the crowd receiving her very well, even though she was sat on the bench the whole 90 minutes when they had won and were celebrating with the crowds they were cheering loudly calling out her name. Truly it was mostly because of her royal although she doubted everyone knew she was a princess.

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