Chapter Two

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A few days had passed. Fury had met with Steve's potential new addition to the team. They seemed to have been approved, but everything was hushed around the tower, or maybe just in Y/Ns case, like most of the time.

"You heard about the new team member?", Sam said leaping over the back of the sofa, laying next to Y/N, who was sat on the edge of the sofa.

She looked up from her book. "No."

"Same here. I just thought you might have heard something with those big ears of yours."

She rolled her eyes. "Just because I have super hearing, Samuel. Doesn't mean they're big."

"Hey, Steve seems to be proud of his big ears, I thought you would be too.", Sam replied.

"He got them on good terms, I didn't. Can we drop this?", she snapped.

"Okay, okay. I'll drop it.", Sam laughed. "I do know one thing about the new guy though."

"Is it that he's a guy?", she questioned.

"Fine, I know two things then."

"I'm guessing you're going to tell me, whether I'm interested in it or not.", she retorted.

"Correct. Anyway...", he replied.

She rolled her eyes.

"He has a similar background to you." Sam finished.

That caught your attention, you raised an eyebrow. "What? They were raised as a Widow since they were two and then they were kidnapped by Hydra and experimented on? Killing hundreds of people?"

Sam sat up, "I guess you would said half right."

"What do you me-", she went to ask but was interrupted.

"Everyone in the meeting room, we have a new arrival." Fury announced.

"Time to meet them." Sam jumped up and headed to the meeting room.

Half right? What did Sam mean by that? It could only mean the Hydra side surely since he said it was a guy, as the Widow program had only been open to females for as long as its been operating. However Alexei, Y/Ns once mission father did work for Dreykov. Could it be Alexei? Y/N shook her head. No way it could be him, she was sure he still worked for Dreykov Or did he?

She decided she was going to skip this meeting. If it was Alexei, it was going to be a no go. Even if it was someone else of similar background... they still wouldn't like her regardless, saving herself from the disappointment.


The rest of the Avenegers gathered in the meeting room.

"I'm sure you're all eager to meet the new teammate, however I must warn you... he has had a troubled past, much like most of you. Please be cautious around him, not too cautious as we don't want him to feel unwelcome.", Fury announced.

Everyone looked at eachother around the room.

"Let's introduce, Bucky Barnes to the team.", Fury guided his hand to the door and with that, a tall, long, dark haired man entered the room, keeping his head down. "Mr Barnes here was a sergeant back in the 1940s, and was unfortunately captured by Hyrda, resulting in him falling under the Alias which I'm sure you're all familiar with-", Fury began.

"The Winter Soldier." Natasha finished.

"Yes.", Fury responded.

Steve stood up and wandered to Bucky.

"I'm sure we can all make Buck feel welcome, and help him get back on the right track.", Steve smiled at Bucky, earning a small smile in return.

"As for now, I'll be pairing him up with-" Fury stopped. "Where's Agent Grant?"

Everyone looked around.

Fury sighed and shook his head, "Right, own up. Who spilled."

"What are you referring too Nicholas?" Tony asked.

Fury rolled his eyes, "I think we all know by now if you mention Hydra to Agent Grant she disappears. Now come on fess up, who was it?"

"I saw Sam talking to her before the meeting" Clint snitched.

"Come on man." Sam sighed. "All I said was that, they had something in common."

"Enough said Wilson, any ideas on where she'll be? Anyone?" Fury groaned.

"She'll be in the training room." Natasha spoke softly.

Everyone turned to her.

"What? It's what she always does when she needs to let of a little steam.", Natasha shrugged her shoulders.

"Meeting dismissed. Barnes, you come with me." Fury said heading for the door.

Bucky nodded and followed him.


"Any explanation on why you didn't attend the mandatory meeting?", Fury asked Y/N as he stormed in the gym.

"I had shit to do.", Y/N said between each punch on the punching bag.

"Beating a swinging bag, is not a requirement", Fury retorted.

"Well, it was either the bag or someone else.", she responded as she stopped punching the bag and turning to Fury.

"I told you this attitude needed to calm down, now I am pairing you with the new recruit, and you don't have a choice", he demanded.

"But-", she started.

"No buts.", he yelled causing her to roll her eyes. "Now I'm sure you're familiar with the Winter Solider, given your Hydra history".

She swung her head back and groaned. "Please tell me you're joking, that's the new recruit?"

"Have you met him?", Fury asked with a raised eyebrow.

"In passing, Hydra never wanted us working together, the Winter Soldier was supposedly superior, something sexist in that I'm sure.", she responded.

Fury chuckled, "Times are changing Grant, your genders will not come into play here, I'll be sending you two on your first joint mission tomorrow."

"And what would that mission entail?", she questioned.

"Wakandan metal, also known as vibrainium is being transported throughout the US without King T'Challas knowledge", he started.

"Stolen, I'm presuming?", she asked.

"It appears so, the transporters are not of Wakanda, it appears they plan to sell it, we need to stop that from happening.", Fury added.

Y/N nodded, "sounds easy enough".

"Good, now ready to meet Mr Barnes?", Fury asked.

"If I must.", she sarcastically responded.

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