Chapter 1 - the way it all began.

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The tv flickered on, bright colours flashed across the screen as a picture came up. Sat on the couch, pressing the remote buttons as she went, Georgia had a glum expression. "Stupid Tv... stupid police... stupid inspections... mumble mumble.." she said as she went through all the channels on the tv before the speed of light, grew in her mind.

A smirk twitched upon her lips like someone was pulling on them with a string, like a root in the mind an idea sprouted, one of evil, one from the brain of a serial killer, one born from the deepest pits of hell. Georgia's smirk dropped as she disguised her smile with her glum expression. "Sternenlicht, this is genius..." Pushing herself off the couch, Georgia grabbed a pen and paper, and wrote some things down, smirking as she went. she shoved the note into the drawer, and the doorbell to her apartment went off.

"For fuck sake, WHO IS IT?" She yelled at the person behind the door, to which they replied "The police, open the door. We have a warrant Georgia open up. Now." Officer Klein said. A sigh escapes Georgia's lips. "Seriously?" She muttered and walked to the door. It opened with a tug, 'what now kalvin?' She said Quietly. "I don't know how many times I've told you this, but that's not my name. whatever, we
aren't here about you, its just that someone's been murdered in this building and we need to ask some Questions to see if anyone knows anything.". Georgia then chuckled and her smirked, "I know how a fucking investigation works officer, you do one here basically everyday, or do you just miss me?" officer
klein scoffs, " You? Your like a parasite, you just don't go away. Now about the murder-" Georgia cuts him off immediately "I don't know anything about a murder. Seriously, I don't know a thing." She says. She grabs a beer out of her fridge and offers it to the officer who pushes it away, "Okay, if you know nothing... then I guess we have to leave you alone." He muttered, slightly upset that they had no clues, but walked off anyway as Georgia closed the door.

Standing over her kitchen counter, a though bubbled like chemical reaction in her mind. She opened her kitchen drawer and pulled out a knife, looking at her own reflection through it. 'If I'm the one they want, then I'm the on they'll get.' A smirk arose as fast a thought came, an idea planted into the roots that were her mind. But is there a chance, a slim chance, that the twisted anarchy would ever come at all?

With a swift movement, Georgia threw the knife, and with a crack it landed perfectly in the only childhood photo she had in the house. She grabbed the knife and put it back into the drawer, taking out a pen and notepad and writing up some sort of invitations she knew she had to get rid of klein and his gang before long. With an expeditious movement of her pen Georgia left her apartment and walked to the police station, pushed open the door and walked into the reception area. The reception lady, looked up through her glasses. She had a slim figure, long blonde hair that seemed to have some over exposure to bleach. She has fair skin yes, but small somewhat visible bumps if acne but there wasn't much, Staring into her eyes, Georgia seemed....flushed. 'Name?' she stared into Georgia's eyes, a subtle hint of curiosity. "Georgia, Georgia Sternenlitcht. Your fairly beautiful..... would I be in a chance for a date?" Georgia said in fair tone, the receptions smirked and typed Georgia's name into the system. "I mean... maybe. You know what sure. I'll meet you at your place at seven alright?" Georgia nodded, smirking to herself. She left the invitations on the desk with the reception lady and walked to the store to buy her ingredients for later that night.

She later got home, cleaned her house, took a shower, brushed and dried her hair, got into her fanciest suit just as the door went off, she turned off the stove so the water didn't bubble over, and opened the door. She stood there, the blonde woman, standing tall in a long slim black dress. 'You look beautiful truly beautiful They ate, they talked and laughed, and in just a few hours one thing led to another and things ended up in the bedroom.

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