The start of our story

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As I walked into the building of the new church we'd be going to I instantly saw a boy who stood out to me. He wasn't in the chapel, he was just sitting down playing on his Nintendo. He seemed really weird but I felt drawn to him like something was pulling me towards him. I was terrified to talk to him so I just walked into the chapel where everyone else was. The next day I had started going to a new school as well and to my surprise I saw him. It turns out we were in the same grade although we didn't have any classes together. It was almost summer break anyway so I just prayed and prayed to have at least one class with him. (Yes I switched schools at the end of the year. ) during summer break nothing much really happened, I mean he caught me staring at him a few times at church and I just looked away but that's about it, but when school started the so did our story together.

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