Chapter 11 - Rising Conflicts

Start from the beginning

| Monkey boy (Ravi) added +1 (917) XXX - XXX to "The United Nations" Groupchat

Your eyebrows furrowed as you picked up your phone and typed in, "Who's the new number?"

A text bubble popped up. Ravi quickly responded, "Miles."

You froze before hitting your head back with a loud groan. Right when you were trying to ignore him.

"Hi Milesssss!!" Maria texted in, peppy as usual. You could imagine the wide giggly smile she probably had on her face behind the screen and you grinned to yourself.

"Hey Miles." You typed in as dryly as you could.

"U guys wanna meet up tmrw" Ravi typed in. "We could go to the Plaza. I heard the new Fast and Furious movie was fire"

"Ew we're not watching Fast and Furious, Ravi, they're all so boring" Maria replied

"k then we could just hang out there"

"Omg can we get sushi"

"sure whatever you want"

"and frozen yogurt"




"guys stop spamming let the poor guy respond first" you typed in, smiling

"sorry miles"

"sry miles"

they both typed in. The chat was silent for a minute before Maria went offline, then Ravi and then you were left to stare at the messages for a moment longer before you too put down your phone.

If he agreed to hang out tomorrow then you definitely had to respond to him soon. Otherwise it'd be awkward.

You let out another dramatic sigh before getting off the bed and sauntering over to your desk, collapsing at the table in front of your laptop. You could figure all the rest out later. For had to decide what the next part of your plan was going to be.

The stolen video files showed you that the symbiote was probably in one of the Oscorp facilities. You just had to figure out which one. Then you'd kill the symbiote. Easy, right?

Except the only weakness you'd learnt from the videos was that the symbiote didn't like high-pitched sound. Sound wasn't going to kill it...but what would?

You'd have to figure it out soon. Otherwise, if your plan to steal it succeeded, you'd be stuck with an alien in a jar and no way to get rid of it.

You shook your head, trying to focus. You were getting too ahead of yourself. First things first, you had to actually figure out which facility was hosting the symbiote. Then you could worry about stealing and killing it. For had plenty of research to do.

Maybe breaking into the local base again would do you some good?

But should you ask the Prowler first? Maybe ask him to accompany you so you didn't get yourself caught? he was probably busy. Besides, you didn't want to get him roped into this. He probably had enough on his plate.

This was yours to deal with.


Miles' POV


"Find anything useful?" Miles watched as his uncle peered into the ziplock bag he'd placed the cotton swab sample into before, squinting as if that was going to help him figure out what the scratches were made by.

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