Chapter 1

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Next morning, her parents woke and called, "Peppermint! Morning!" But there was no answer, so they went to check on her. Suddenly, her mom gasped, "Peppermint's gone!!" she exclaimed. 

Peppermint  woke up to find a pack of foxes standing over top of her! "AHH GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" she screeched and managed to scramble to her paws and dash off and she ran and ran until... "I'M LOST HELP!!!!" she called for help but no one came. She ran a bit farther, wondering if she was close to her parents, but no one was near accept the foxes! They came closer and closer and the closer they came, the more Peppermint panicked, "I've got to run before they catch me!!" But it was to late, "Gotcha!" One of the foxes growled as he bit into her scruff, "LET ME GO!!!!" Peppermint barked, "Awww!" Another fox smiled, his eyes gleaming with amusement and mockery, "Poor little wolf wants to run back to her mama!" he mocked, Peppermint growled threateningly and he drew back, "Bring her back." he ordered and they set off to who knows where. A bit later, Peppermint and the three foxes came to a cave and they looked a muscular male fox whom nodded in approval and they all stalked inside with Peppermint hanging from one of their jaws. She glanced around and saw tons of animals locked up in cages, their ribs showing, looking beat up, and she glanced in horror toward a few other foxes hauling a dead coyote out of a cage. ~What if that happens to me?~ she thought then suddenly, the fox who was holding her threw her in a cage and slammed the door. "HEY LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" Peppermint barked in rage, but none of the foxes replied except for a mischievous glare and a dismissive flick of the tail from a fox whom was stalking toward a cage and stuck his paw inside and the animal in that cage let out a screech of pain. ~What if I never see my mom and dad again?~ she thought ~What if this is really the end?~

"PEPPERMINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Peppermint's mom howled in despair, echoing in the darkness. She sighed, "Storm?" "Yes Luna?" "Do you remember when Peppermint said that she really wanted to explore these woods?" Luna asked, nodding to the dark forest. "Wait... that could mean..." Storm started, "SHE'S IN THE WOODS ALONE!!!!!" her mom howled. "We better go find her then! She could be in trouble!" Storm said and he ran into the woods with Luna hard on his paws.

Back in the cave, Peppermint had no food to eat or any water to drink except a piece of moldy cheese and polluted water. "Ugh, do I HAVE to eat this? Can't I have something better?" she complained "Just eat what you have!!" a fox growled "But WHY!! This is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!!!!" Peppermint objected "If you want something better than what you have SO BAD, then I guess you'll be willing to fight me for it!!" he barked, stalking forward with his teeth bared, "Looks like I'll be having a little wolf pup for dinner tonight!" the fox snarled. "HELP ME!!"

"Where could she be?!" said Luna "Lets look over there." Storm suggested and they trotted over to the rock circle. "Storm? I'm tired and it's getting late." Luna yawned, "I'm tired too Luna. How about we spend the night here?" asked Storm. "Sure!" Luna agreed and they laydown on the lush, soft grass and fell asleep.

Hey again everyone! Hope this chapter was better than the prologue XD!!  I'll write some more soon!! Not to be pushy, but leave a vote! It'll really help! Comment your predictions and tell me how y'all like it! Anyway, have fun reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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