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𝕭𝖆𝖌 𝕺𝖋 𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘,

𝕭𝖆𝖌 𝕺𝖋 𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘,

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chapter nineteen.

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Under the sun-soaked canvas of a vintage convertible, Oliver, Gabriette, and Felix cut through the scenic roads, driving down the countryside. Oliver, feeling genuinely blissful, observes the passing landscape from his seat.

As they transition from one road to another, merging onto an A-road, Oliver's curiosity gets the best of him. "How much further?" he inquires, his gaze alternating between Felix steering and Gabriette reclining in the back.

Felix, navigating the road signs, assures him, "It's not too far now."

However, as they traverse the motorway, Oliver's joy takes a sudden turn. His eyes catch a familiar name on a road sign: Prescot. Panic seizes him; Felix is taking him home. The prospect of returning home sends a shiver down Oliver's spine.

Attempting to mask his anxiety, Oliver stammers, "Uh, please tell me you're... Felix... are..."

Felix interrupts, urging Oliver to listen, "Look, Ollie, just hear me out, alright?" His eyes briefly meet Oliver's, trying to convey reassurance.

In the midst of Oliver's rising panic, he pleads, "No. No. No..."

"Just hear me out for a second," Felix insists.

As tension fills the air, Oliver glances between Felix and Gabriette, his eyes wide with disbelief. "What have you done? What have you done?"

Felix reveals, "Your mom called a week ago. You left your phone in the bathroom, and Gabs saw it. We thought... I sort of... I just picked up... You've been ignoring her calls for weeks, and I thought maybe I could help."

With each word, Felix hesitates with nervousness. The weight of Oliver's gaze rests on Gabriette and he swears he sees hints of a faint smirk playing on her lips, adding an unsettling layer to the situation.

Trying to suppress tears, Oliver grapples with an overwhelming fear. This vulnerability is foreign to him, especially in front of Felix.

"On the phone, she really sounded sober, mate. She had no idea where you were, and she just wanted to send you a card for your birthday," Felix continues, attempting to justify his actions.

"Please... Turn the car around. You can't take me there. You can't. Felix, you can't take me there," Oliver's desperate plea resonates, emphasizing his reluctance.

Felix, aware of a potential mistake, persists, "Ollie, she's your mother! She's your family. She's all you've got!"

"Some of us don't have anybody, Oliver," Gabriette's unexpected voice near his ear startles him as he continues muttering 'no.'

Amidst the ongoing exchange, Felix makes a firm declaration, "I'm not taking 'no' for an answer, mate. I'm sorry. You have to fix this, mate."

Oliver slumps into the leather seat, his heart heavy with the realization that there's no turning back from this unexpected journey home.

The car eases into a picturesque suburban street, lined with meticulously tended gardens, sparkling cars, and impeccably maintained houses. Felix gazes around, a tinge of bewilderment on his face.

"Look, there's a sign. Churchill Avenue. Right... Oh, 138. Is this it?" Felix questions, but Oliver remains silent.

As they pull up in front of a beautiful house, Felix's confusion deepens. "Oh, this is nice, mate! Look, she's clearly cleaned up her act. This is lovely! Let's do this!" Felix exclaims, shifting the car into park.

Ready to exit the vehicle, Gabriette pauses when Oliver speaks, halting both her and Felix. "Let me go in without you. Please?"

"We're not leaving you, mate. We're in this together," Felix insists, dismissing any further protests from Oliver as he exits the car.

Oliver takes a deep breath as they approach the front door. He rings the doorbell, and as the door swings open, it becomes glaringly evident that the woman standing before them bears no resemblance to someone dabbling with heroin.

Donned in a sensible cardigan, a floral skirt, and a small crucifix, Paula Quick presents the image of good health and maternal kindness.

Felix and Gabriette exchange a momentary glance, attempting to conceal their utter confusion in the face of this unexpected revelation.

Paula regards them with a warm smile, completely unaware of the whirlwind of emotions racing through the minds of the trio at her doorstep.

"Oliver! Oh, you're alive! I didn't recognize you!" she exclaims, her eyes lighting up with a mixture of surprise and joy.

Oliver remains stifly lifeless as his mother draws him into a hug, "Happy birthday, darling!"

Paula's welcoming demeanor remains unchanged. "Well, isn't this lovely! Come in, come in. It's been far too long since I've seen you. And you must be Felix and Gabriette," she greets, ushering them into the cozy living room.

Felix exchanges a bewildered glance with Gabriette, both silently questioning the reality of the situation as they follow Oliver inside.

"Your father's in the garden," The words make Oliver wince and this time neither Felix nor Gabriette contain their shock.

"...His father?"

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