Pain is real

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Describing things which are considered as pain to me ,

something deep inside me ,crushing me ,dragging me hard, trying hard to make me accept the reality, may be it is all about my long living dreams inside me which is not fullfilled yet ,or may be my weak heart craving for shoulder to lean on.

Facing festivals without family, not having people to wish even .

Experiencing monthly cramps without home remedies and shoulder to lean on that time.

Not able to connect to people if they disrespected any time in the past.

Sometimes i feel, am i getting older or do i belong to this generation?

For me friendship is all about who helped you when you asked for anything and gave it immediately without hesitations, and who saved your name in your back, if not sorry i cant even do fake smile with you. If i do trust me ,it must be a painful smile from my side.

when the surroundings are entirely opposite to your mindset, whether you are normal ,you will be looked abnormal no matter what .

Feeling lonely even when you are surrounded by group of people.

If you are not getting the same effort from the opposite side, cause you know you choosy yet you are not for them.

NO responses to messages is another kind of pain i cant describe in words.

Seeing old people crying to god to save their life.

seeing physically challenged people working hard to save their family.

Accepting failure cause talents are no more a thing these days .

when you are self respect is being tested.

Knowing the pain you had because of them is not even a thing for them .

and so on...........but if think its time for you to take a break do take it.......

Dr.priyanga ravi

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