painful party.

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Partibeetl  hurt/comfort thingi-(i found da art on Twitter i dont rember da name- the art doesnt reflect the fic at all dont question it-) tw ig?:i mean poob cry's out of pain in one part but feels better afterwards so idk but- (plz dont maul me for this-)


its the middle of the night. well thats probably what pest tought. sitting in the elevator, alone. its quiet as ever. no players.. no god damn talking mannequins.. and.. retro.. well having dr.retro here would be nice since he was a bit hurt because of accidently getting out of the elevator thinking he had reached his destination just to see another chaotic and weird floor. well.. atleast he had escaped it quickly.. so there he was. sitting on the ground, alone in the elevator with his hand bleeding a bit.  he certainly looks tired and probably is mad. but yet, he doesnt do anything.. as if there is anything to do..

after a few minutes the door opens and a tired poob walks in. pest is annoyed at the sight of poob walking into the elevator. he doesnt want to have to deal with his energetic brain at all. if he ever will.. but luckly poob wasnt doing anything, all he was doing was sitting on the ground trying to smile for some reason but failing. pest noticed this but didnt care at all. he DİDNT want to care at all.. yet he kept looking at poob and back to the ground. he kept noticing stuff, poob shaking, some tears dropping from his face before immidietly trying to stop, but it wasnt those things that pest was annoyed of, it was poob trying to keep a fun smile on his face so pest doesnt figure out whats happening, if he even could understand what was happening.

pest tried to not talk about it, not even look at poob. but he kept noticing and getting annoyed. after a few minutes, pest finnaly talked.

''whats wrong.''

poob didnt say anything, he would be the kind of person to reply immidietly. but not now for some reason, this annoyed pest even more. poob tried to not talk but pest wasnt gonna stop talking already.

''whats wrong. reply to me.''

after a few seconds poob put on a fake smile to hopefully stop the conversation and just acted like he was confused.

''e- eh..? oh.. i didnt hear you.. im fine- its uhh... nothing.. i swear..''

poob kept the fake smile on while pest just stared at him. and started making a weird sound. probably because he was angry a bit. poob just tried to keep the smile on still, after a few more seconds pest talked again.

''i already god damn hated your normal smile.. it would annoy me.. but now a fake one annoys me even more.. what. happened. and put that fake smile off your face god damn it..''

poob was a bit scared to talk, he tried to keep the smile on still trying to trick pest but pest just continued to stare at him.

''n- no..! this- im acctualy smiling..- i- i swear..!''

poob kept on trying to smile, yet.. pest didnt change his mind. he knew something was wrong with poob and he wasnt changing his mind. poob finnaly stopped smiling but still tried to lie.

''im.. uhh.. i just came from a party.. im tired..- so uhh.. thats why-'' 

it was true that he had came from a party, but pest knew there was more to that.. poob didnt want to talk at all still. which pest knew was because of something.

''what are you hiding. tell all of it. there is more and i know it.''

poob tried to stay quiet. but it just made pest even more annoyed now, pest was getting a bit mad. after a few seconds poob spoke up again.

''thats- thats all i.. i swear-''


pest couldnt keep his anger anymore and grabbed poob which he immidietly got pushed away for.

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