Going as fast as you can

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 Going as fast as you can


One partner, three barrels, getting timed, trying to go as fast as you can.

We are like a bullet getting ready to get shot out of a gun. The anticipation, the air whipping your face, and the cold breeze running through your body.You tighten up your girth, getting ready. You and your horse are so nervous, waiting for the buzzer.

The rest of the girls go, you are so scared you will lose but, at the end they say you and your horses names and you both win! You have the fastest time and you get so happy!

   You yell, “Yes I won!” It's the best feeling in the world. You win some money and a belt buckle but not all the time. Some people think that is all you get but you win more than that.You win happiness and a memory that will last you a lifetime.

                          My awesome is barrel racing!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 15 ⏰

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