CH. 1 Young Galen

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Cruel warrior hands were wrapped around Galen's wrists, holding him back as he struggled against their grip. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to break free.

Meanwhile, Alex stood with her head hung low in defeat. "I surrender."

"No, Tia! Don't!" Galen yelled, his voice hoarse with panic as he fought harder and harder.

The hands pulled him closer, tightening their hold on him.

"Please, stop!" Galen pleaded, his voice trembling.

A gentle voice penetrated the chaos. "Galen. Galen. Wake up."

Galen slowly opened his eyes and saw the older Gabe standing over him. "Daddy?"

"It was just a nightmare," Gabe reassured him, running his claws gently up and down Galen's back.

Galen nodded and hugged his father tightly, still shaking from the terror of his dream. "It was so real," he managed to say through sobs.

"I know, son. But you're safe now. You're home with me," Gabe said soothingly, stroking Galen's back until he calmed down.

"But not with Tia," Galen cried, his voice choked with emotion. "Where is she, Daddy? Why couldn't she stay?"

Gabe's heart clenched at the mention of her name. He had no answers, only fear and worry for her safety. "Your Uncle Cale has been praying for her return, but we don't know where she is yet. I'm sorry, son. Wherever she is, she's needed very much."

Galen's eyes widened with a desperate hope. "If I need her more, will she come back?"

Gabe felt a pang of guilt and cursed himself for not wording it better. "No, my son. Your Tia is a Guardian - a brave and selfless protector. She may be far away, but know that wherever she is, she loves you deeply and is always fighting to save lives."

Gabe kept his terrible burden to himself. It was all his fault that Alex was no longer with them. He remembered the night she arrived, injured and in need of healing from the Portal Guardian. She had been so vulnerable, so beautiful. And he had given into temptation, sharing a bed with her that very night.

Now, they were all paying the price. Gabe cursed himself for his weakness. The Portal Guardian refused to listen to their pleas and stripped them of their titles as punishment. And worst of all, she took Alex away without giving her a choice in the matter. It was a pain that Gabe would carry with him forever, his burden to bear alone.

Gabe's heart ached as he thought back to the bittersweet memory of Alex's embrace and her joyful response to his proposal. But that happiness had been short-lived, as they were separated when they entered the portal to his home world. The pain of her absence was almost unbearable, mixed with anger and regret.

"If you aren't a Guardian, what are you?" Galen's voice pierced the silence and pulled Gabe out of his dark memories. His son was nestled into his side, his frail body shivering slightly.

Gabe held him closer, thankful for the warmth they shared in their small tent. "Your father, full time, and a hunter for the clan," Gabe answered. "Just like your Uncle Rile is both father and hunter, and Uncle Cale is a priest. Do you want a snack?" Gabe cuddled the too thin frame of his son close.

"No, daddy."

The two drifted back into peaceful sleep. Gabe was glad that he no longer had nightmares of the torture Galen's biologic mother had done to his hands. He prayed that Galen's nightmares would be erased in time, too.

Galen slowly opened his eyes to a soft whisper of his name. He sat up, noticing the weight of a blanket on his shoulders and the warmth of a hand on his forehead. His father snored softly next to him, undisturbed by the presence in the room. He turned to face the source of the voice and saw a shimmering figure standing at the foot of the bedroll.

"Tia? Why are you sparkling?" he asked.

"Is that how you see me? As your Tia?" she asked with a smile, her voice gentle and melodious. "I am not her, but you are dear to me."

Galen's confusion visibly grew. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I am the Portal Guardian," she said with a slight bow of her head.

Desperation filled Galen expression and he begged, "If you're her, please bring back my Tia."

But the Portal Guardian shook her head. "I cannot," she said sorrowfully, holding out her arms. "May I have a hug?"

Galen carefully extracted himself from his dad. He walked over to the sparkling figure and nestled against her. "Now will you bring my Tia back?"

"I wish that I could, but my wishes will not accomplish that. It takes a considerable power to keep you here with your father, safe, away from your murderous mother. I cannot keep both you and your Tia here. Do you understand?" The Portal Guardian stroked his head and back.

Galen nodded.

"Go back to your father now. He loves you deeply, just as I knew he would," the Portal Guardian said, kissing the top of Galen's head. "Goodbye, my young Guardian."

"I'm a Guardian?" Galen asked in amazement.

"If you choose to be, one day," the Portal Guardian replied.

"I choose! I choose!" Galen exclaimed with determination.

"Then train well. For one day I will call upon you when I need you," the Portal Guardian said with a smile before fading away into thin air.

Galen's small hand gripped Gabe's arm, shaking him awake. "Daddy! Daddy! Look!" Galen pointed towards the fading light. "It was the Portal Guardian."

Gabe rubbed his eyes and sat up, his heart pounding with excitement. "I see it. What did she say? Did she mention Alex?"

Galen's face fell, and he spoke in a trembling voice. "She said she can't bring Tia here. Something about power."

Gabe's arms wrapped protectively around his son as he felt a pang of guilt. He knew he had used his power to manipulate Alex, and now they were paying the price. He wondered what specific words the Portal Guardian had spoken to Galen, and for a moment, memories of holding Alex tightly in his arms flooded his mind. But he quickly pushed them away.

"Is that all she said, son?"

"She said she would Call me one day! She said I should train hard and she would Call me! Let's start now!" Galen revived.

"It's the middle of the night," Gabe groaned, trying to hide his amusement at his son's eagerness.


"You might be young, but I'm old and tired," Gabe teased. "Let your elders have some sleep. I promise to start training you in the morning."

"Daaaaadddddyyyy." Galen whined, but still snuggled into his father's warm embrace.

"To sleep, unless you want to eat." Gabe folded his son in his arms.

"There may not be enough food for breakfast if I eat now," Galen said, too somber for his young age.

"I will always make sure there is enough food for you, son," Gabe said. "I'm hungry, too. Let's have a snack and we'll hunt the night furries together. You can hone your Guardian skills and our family will have the sweet meat of the night furries for breakfast."

"Okay, Daddy, only if you want to."

Gabe kissed the top of his head.



I don't have enough for a full story, so I thought I would publish random chapters as short stories in this book.

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