She has good intent..

I'm just being sensitive."

"[Y/n]. I know that you refuse to

take my word on this but she's

manipulative and emotionally

abusive to you. She's made

you feel trauma bonded to her. Now

please tell me what happened."

"I asked her if I could borrow a bit of

money and she yelled at me and told

me I act like a codependent bitch.

After that happened I came into the

bathroom and I've been crying for a

while and I think she's right I'm an

adult I need to be able to take care of

myself I'm. a greedy leech she

deserves better I.,"

"You work at a gas station and are

kind of broke at the moment. She's

a relatively well known pornstar and

makes a shit ton of money. She's your

partner. The least she can do is give

you money so you can afford basic

necessities like food. And the way she

reacted is straight up abusive. That's

not okay, as your partner she needs

to treat you with respect, not

insult you when you make a basic


"She was just giving me criticism..

she's just trying to help me work on


"That wasn't criticism. That was

an insult intended to make you feel

A Second Chance..? (Lute x Sinner!Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now