The Bride's Family

Start from the beginning

Yes, his knight's uniform always captivated his attention. But, now something was different, something was missing. Where before, this uniform broth him a sense of pride and duty. Now, it failed to bring anything.

He looked at it and felt nothing. No pride, no sense of accomplishment. The greatest of knights...felt...nothing. He looked at it, and the only thing he could see is the material it was made from. It could see its color, some leather parts that stood out when compared to the rest of the clothing article, but, baring that, there was nothing.

To him the thing was now just a piece of cloth, a means to an end. It is a useful ticket if he wants to pass anywhere. Easy way to garner respect and support for his endeavor.

How could he look at it in any other way? What way?

Proof of his achievement. He has no achievements, he is a failure. Nothing else. He is a knight who let his master disappear, a knight who failed to protect the only person he was supposed to protect. Gluttony shouldn't have been able to get anywhere near Anastasia, but he did. He shouldn't have been able to take her name, but he did. He did, because Julius let him. He did, because Julius failed to stop him.

Gluttony, succeeded because Julius was too weak to stop him. Because he didn't do what he should have done to stop him. Because he is Julius because he is the greatest of knights.

The greatest of knights spent seven full months prancing in this uniform. He spent seven months silently declaring his greatness, while the entire time his mistress was suffering. If she is even alive, that is.

The possibility of Anastasia's complete demise can't be taken out of consideration. For all her greatness and intellect, she lacks as a fighter. Which is a skill essential to surviving this harsh world. Especially when you lack money or any other bargaining power.

Anastasia had money, influence, and even a private army. She was as safe as one in her position possibly could be. But, in an instant, all of that was taken. She had no time to prepare, no time to conjure a plan. She was like a fish out of water. Immediately and without warning brought out of the only place where she was safe. That is without mentioning that she lost her name during a massive battle.

Yes, the possibility of her not being with them anymore is undeniable. Again, what was Julius doing while all of that was happening? Prancing around in his uniform, while he arrogantly proclaimed himself the greatest of knights. When, in actuality, he was the worst of them.

He was even worse than a raw recruit. The recruit at least knows his placement and struggles to improve. Unlike Julius who deluded himself into thinking he was the greatest. Not, only himself, and the rest of the kingdom apparently. The sages still refer to him as one, and so does Marcos.

If they are doing this out of genuine appreciation for the purple-hared knight, or out of a desire to further their own interests, Julius didn't know for sure. They must understand how incorrect such a title is. How much it doesn't fit Julius anymore, If it ever did?

But, it doesn't matter what they think. In all honesty, it shouldn't have ever mattered. The whole situation opened his eyes a bit, or more accurately forced him finally acknowledge it. The country has its interests, the knights have theirs. His romantic idea of the entire structure was bound to collapse eventually, too bad that it took this tragedy for this to happen.

They can't be called evil, or malicious. The sages, Marcos, and the rest do what they need to in order to keep this thing going. So he looked up to them once again. Once again, and finally, he will follow their example. He will see to it that, what he needs to do in order to succeed comes to fruition.

Perhaps then, she will be back. Perhaps then, she will forgive him for his failure. Perhaps then, he will once again be able to wear this uniform with pride.

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