Start from the beginning

" there you are" Utahime pointed at you after spotting you in the library. " hi" you wave, sitting down

" where were you yesterday?" Utahime scooted her seat next to you while you got your books ready to study

" what do you mean?" You tried to act dumb

" oh come on, the group didn't see you and Gojo for the whole day after we grabbed ice cream" Utahime refreshed your memory

You pretended to be surprised, " oh that.." you remembered that day perfectly. After you walked with Gojo, you two  went home to quickly change and have dinner, that was it.


You looked up at the cloudy sky, feeling a droplet of rain fall on your head lightly. You had finished changing and planned to get some take away 

" seriously? Again." You were frustrated, knowing you had no umbrella. You prepare yourself to run out your front porch but a hand stops you from leaving

" miss me?" You met Gojo's blue eyes. " Satoru" you breathed in, relief washing over you

" forgot this" Gojo tapped with his umbrella, passing it to you, " thank you" you were grateful. You laughed at the design of the umbrella upon receiving it

" this is..."

" the first umbrella I offered you" Gojo said it for you, a wide chuckle spreading through his lips. " it is" you walk while Gojo carried the umbrella over you

He didn't dare use his infinity for the rain, he rather get wet while linking your arm. Just a touch from you melted his heart, it was a feeling he could never wager for something else

You peered back to Gojo who seemed starstruck by your features

" why'd you come here?" you complained, just trying to order your takeouts. " saw it was raining." Gojo pointed out.

Gojo stared back at you, admiring your face, " well yeah" you shrug. " ...so any plans for tonight, what's the restaurant you wanna eat?" Gojo whistled

" I don't have any plans ..planned on ordering take out" you reveal. Gojo was delighted to hear your plain answer

" how about I take you out? Considering it's our third trial day together!" Gojo was certainly enthusiastic

" I mean you took me out yesterday to a night market, I don't wanna owe you anything" you were already indebted to him

" that's nothing, you'll get that everyday if you become my girlfriend" Gojo brushed off your guilt. " still, money is money" you reminded

Gojo felt annoyed at your scolding. " although..I was thinking we eat at this small restaurant near my house, I know the owner really well and they make the best food" you took in Gojo's idea

Gojo was opened to the idea, " then we are going there!"


" ah [y/n]!" A Middle aged woman greeted you. "!hey aunty!" You used the word aunty because the woman felt like an aunty to you

𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗔𝗚𝗔𝗜𝗡. - 𝗀𝗈𝗃𝗈 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now