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                    Finally back at your pod, you sit on your bed and stare at your mirror. Poppy and you decided to re-meet up for the fashion art gallery show in half an hour. You get closer to your mirror, furrowing your eyebrows. "Snap out of it, dude," You say to yourself, glaring at your reflection. "There are literally hundreds of other trolls out there. Trolls who aren't dating your best friend." 

                    You rub your forehead as you let out an annoyed groan, throwing yourself back into your bed. You look to your left and see the scrapbook Poppy had made you. Smiling, you grab it and flip through the pages. The last page had three trolls holding hands, Poppy, Branch, and you, with big glittery letters spelling out "WE LOVE YOU!!"

                    Putting the scrapbook back down, your eyes dart and land on the clock. "Shoot!" You immediately sit back up, twenty minutes have passed. You had exactly ten minutes to get ready. You hurry to your closet and take out the outfit Satin and Chenille had made you.

                   The dress shimmers in shades of (f/c), adorned with sparkling sequins that would undoubtedly catch the light as you move. It's a bold and eye-catching ensemble, embodying the exuberant spirit of Troll Village. As you put the finishing touches on your hair, a sense of readiness washed over you. 

                    You don't actually know much about what the party is going to be about since Satin And Chenille decided to keep it a surprise, but you concluded that it was going to be something fashion-related. So, go big or go home.

                   Finishing up your hair, you're finally ready to meet Poppy. Checking yourself out one last time in the mirror, you smile and head out of your pod. Once out, you're immediately greeted by a familiar song. Excited, you rush to the commotion, knowing Poppy couldn't be far from it. Your eyes light up as you're fully able to recognize the song, "Party in the Trolls Village".

                    A broad smile spreads across your face as you make your way through the crowd of dancing trolls, your eyes locked on Poppy's. She spots you too, and her smile grows even wider. Without missing a beat, you jump onto the podium beside her, joining in on the fun. The actual surprise show wasn't gonna start for a few more minutes, so of course Poppy had started this little sing-along concert so the trolls wouldn't get bored.

                    From the corner of your eye, you see a certain troll leaning against a tree, crossing his arms. "Still hasn't warmed up to parties?" You shout over the music, loud enough so Poppy will hear. "Uhh, not yet! You'd think he'd had since there's like- Two parties every 24 hours- But Branch is teaching me how to become more patient, so I'm letting him take his time!" She shouts back, still dancing and jumping.

                      You hum in response, understanding her perspective. As the music continued to pump through the air, you stole another glance at Branch. This time, your eyes met, and to your surprise, he flashed you a genuine smile. Your heart skips a beat, feeling a surge of warmth spread through you. How long has he been looking at you?

                    You press your lips together, realizing that Poppy is right next to you. He was probably looking at her since you know, she's his girlf-

                     Your thoughts are completely interrupted as you catch his lips curve upwards, waving at YOU. This time you know for sure it was directed at you since Poppy was facing the opposite direction. 

                     You smile back, waving at him. Suddenly, you hear Poppy gasp as she puts a hand on your shoulder. "Oh no, look, someone's in trouble!" You look at the crowd and immediately spot Guy Diamond, touching his stomach. "I don't fee-ee-eel so goo-ood.." You can hear his autotuned voice speak right before he starts throwing up a glittery rainbow.

                      "I'll be right back, y/n," Poppy calls out before jumping towards him, using her hair to swing along the tree branches. "I'm coming for you, Guy Diamond!!" She shouts as everyone else continues to sing and dance. 

                      You giggle at her heroism. You look around, trying to make sure there aren't any more problems that would interrupt the party. You notice Branch again, who is now slightly bopping his head and tapping his foot to the rhythm of the song. 

                      Mustering your courage, you approached him, leaning against the same tree he was. "Having fun?" you ask with a smile. He rolls his eyes, sighing. "I mean, it's not horrible. Doesn't mean it's my thing now, but I don't hate it."

                       You suddenly notice his outfit. He was wearing a SUIT. That's the first time you've ever seen him so.. dressed up. You can't help but let out a friendly laugh "You look great, dude! You should dress up more often." You nudge him with your elbow, teasing him.

                      "Pfft," He rolls his eyes, smiling back. "Yeah, no. This is a one-time thing. I only agreed to wear.. this.. because Poppy said that I could leave early if I did." He faces you, fully looking at your dress. "Wow, you look really beau--"

                       "Y/n!! Branch!!" 

                       You switch your focus to Satin and Chenille, who are now in front of you. "Fashion emergency. We need both of you to come with us, immediately." They both say in sync, grabbing you and Branch by your wrists and dragging you backstage, not leaving you any time to process. 

                       "Woah woah, calm down, what happened??" Branch says as they finally let go of you both. They grab a measuring tape and start measuring your height, completely ignoring him.

                        Satin and Chenille look at each other, nodding and smiling. They look back at you both, grabbing some clothes. "Two of our troll models bailed last minute," Satin started to say. "So we need two new models." Chenille finished her sentence, insinuating that there was going to be a runway show.  

                         You both look at them, flabbergasted. "But- I'm not a model, I'm nowhere NEAR being a model- I mean, don't you have to take classes for that or something??" you stammer, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over you. You look at Branch, who nods vigorously in agreement. "Can't you find other people?" you plead.

                         "Nope, no time," Satin and Chenille replied in unison, their voices unwavering. "We need a couple; you two were the closest trolls to us." They cross their arms, clearly not taking no for an answer.

                        "Couple-?? But Branch and I- Poppy, you should get Poppy!" You blur out anxiously. Branch raises an eyebrow but shrugs it out. 

                        "Okay, calm down Y/n, we mean couple as in two, but it is a matching set." Chenille chuckles, looking at Satin. "But besides that, Poppy can't do it. She's busy helping out Diamond Guy."

                       As soon as Branch opens his mouth to contribute to the dispute, Satin immediately shushes him. "Don't say a word, you know you owe us for that time we helped you make an outfit for Poppy's birthday party." With that, Branch closes his mouth, pressing his lips together in resignation.

                        Branch and you exchanged glances, both of you sighing in defeat. ".. Fine, I'll do it.." you muttered, a pit of anxiety settling in your stomach.


A/N: YIPPEE PART 2!! uhh I just wanted to point out that "Party at the Trolls Village" I supposed to be a parody or wtv of "Party in the USA" LMAOO 

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