三 | Same Side

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3rd person pov

Kaname already announced the flame
hashira's return.

"That was fast..." some of them commented.

They gathered with the master in a dark room with only a few candlelight giving some light.

Kyojuro entered lastly and closed the doo behind him. Then he lifted his cape and small red bird flew out landing on the ground. It looked around and the stares of the hashiras made it uncomfortable.

"You bring a bird back? I thought it's bigger." the sound hashira commented.

"Is that even a phoenix we're looking for?" the serpent hashira asked.

"Did you bring a random bird because you couldn't find the phoenix?" the wind hashira snickered.

"Nope, that's her!" Kyojuro exclaimed.

"A she?" they looked at the bird who got annoyed.

"Stop staring will you?" the bird said with her feminine voice, "it's rude to stare."

"My apologies," the master started, "We were all just curious if the phoenix of the tale was real or not."

"What tale?" the phoenix tilted her head, "I didn't know that there was tale about me."

"A phoenix lived deep inside a cave under a inactive volcano. They say if you ask nicely the creature will heal any wounds and curse.
It will ask you to keep its place as a secret and if you anger it, it will force you out with fire, or even worse..." the master started and Natori nodded in acknowledgement, "No wonder people kept coming."

Then Natori looked at the blind master, "and you're the one I shall cure, am I right? But aren't you afraid that I play some tricks?"

The master smiled, "There's no need to be afraid because all hashiras are here."

"Right." the bird eyed them, "and do you know how it works, sir?"

"Ubuyashiki Kagaya." the master introduced himself, "No, I don't so I hope you can elaborate."

"I'm Natori," she answered, "it's my tear that can heal wounds and lift curses. And in your case, you must drink it in order to be free from the curse."

"Her tear is safe! I can prove it!" Kyojuro beamed which caught the interest of his colleagues.

"Wait so drank her tear?" they asked.

"Nope! I received a drip on my burnt hand and it's healed!"

"I hope I don't get killed right after." Natori joked calmly, "Whether you believe it or not, I made a deal with Rengoku-san and I shall work with you."

They looked surprised but some of them were still wary, she was a demon after all. Yet, she wasn't a kizuki so they could just kill her easily.

"You want to be cured or not?" Natori started, she wanted to go over it asap.
"Or if you don't trust me, I can just demonstrate it..." she eyed the hashiras.

"I trust the tale," the master replied, "Let's get over it."

Soon, someone brought a small bowl and the phoenix let a tear drop into it. After the master took it, the curse marks started to fade and his sight came back.

"It worked." he said stunned and the hashiras smiled at his recovery.

"Natori," Oyakata-sama started with a bright smile, "are you really siding with us? With your help, many lifes can be saved."

His songbird [R. Kyojuro × Oc] Where stories live. Discover now