A Night Off

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Charley Davidson, owner of the Last Chance Garage, was having a night off. She'd finished all of her laundry; been grocery shopping, and now up to her neck in delicate bubbles. Bliss. No bros, just herself and peace and quiet.

Charley: "Ahh~ peace at last." Charley sighed content, as she pressed play on her CD player on the floor.

The music she'd picked was a few rock ballads and a few classic 70s rock, Fleetwood Mac etc.

Charley: ".... Never break the chain...." She hummed along.

Unaware the guys had returned, Charley carried on enjoying her music. It wasn't until, she was back in her bedroom drying her hair. Picking out a pair of punk rock black jeans with a few holes in the knees; a metal band t-shirt and tying her up into a topknot. She continued to rock out to her music.

Modo, Vinnie and Throttle casually came up to the apartment, and got comfortable with a root beer each. Throttle's ears twitched, then his bros ears did the same.

Throttle: "Hey bros, do you hear that?" He questioned, looking around the room.

Modo nodded.

Modo: "Yeah. Sounds like a siren, music to my ears." He replied somewhat impressed.

Vinnie ears twitched, just like his bros again, then a smiling a childish grin, his bros clicked at what their bro was up to, mischief.

Vinnie: "Where's Charley-Girl?" Asking rather playfully, with the same grin still on his face.

They all looked down the corridor, down to Charley's room, and headed in that direction in complete silence. Charley, still unaware of the guys standing in her open bedroom doorway, admiring the green-eyed goddess rocking out. Charley was dancing around her room in a partial seductive way until the CD player finished playing. Taking off her headphones, she turned around to see the guys cheering for her.

Charley: "GUYS?!" She yelled, in embarrassment, clutching her chest.

Throttle cleared his throat, and nudged Vinnie forward.

Throttle: "How long have you been holdin out on us?" He teased, with a small smile on his face.

Modo: "Sorry Miss Charley, we were worried. Great taste in music by the way." Modo said sweetly.

Vinnie started at Charley's outfit and took a step forward, with a hand outstretched towards her. He was actually being a gentleman towards her. His gaze never leaving hers, and slightly seductive way, he asked,

Vinnie: "Sweetheart, care to join us for root beers and hot dogs?"

Charley stepped back one step, faking a sly grin, with her arms folded across her chest.

Charley: "All right you jokers, what are you up to?"

Throttle and Modo pretended t be shocked and acted all innocent, like a couple of teenagers in trouble, laughing. Vinnie gripped her hand, and turned her to face towards him, his ruby eyes looking into her dazzling emerald eyes. In a softer voice, gentler than normal.

Vinnie: "No joking around, Charley babe. You look beautiful. Now do I have to drag your butt downstairs, or do I have your permission to do what I'm gonna do next?"

Throttle led his bro Modo back to the lounge area, where the hot dogs and beer were, giving the Vin-man and Charley-Girl some privacy.

Charley: "Permission? ..... To do what Vinnie?" She asked confused, dropping her guard a little.

Vinnie: "I've had enough of denying my true feelings for you Charley." Confessing quietly in her ear, nervously closing the door, with his boot.

Love? He loved her? Wow, she did not see that coming at all, however, she had to tell him that she was also in love with him too.

Charley: "I love you too Vinnie. For everything you are, and everything you've done for me. I love you hotshot." She confessed back.

His eyes grew wide in happiness, he never thought Charley would love him for him, let alone the ears and tail. Tilting her head, she closed her eyes and kissed his mouth, as he held her neck tenderly, rubbing gentle strokes of caress, with his other hand flat against her back. Both of Charley's hands pressed against his chest. The kiss ended with both of them smiling and a little breathless.

Vinnie: "Wow! Charley .........I .........Mean ......wow. Does this mean you wanna be my girl?"

Charley smiled, and placed a hand around his waist, and pinched his butt cheekily.

Charley: "Of Course, I'll be your girl. Your one and only girl."

Vinnie rubbed where she pinched, and wagged a playful pointed finger in her direction, chuckling.

Vinnie: "Ow! What was that for babe?"

Charley: "For leaving it this long to confess how you feel about me. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to order extra take-out. I really don't fancy eating hot dogs tonight. Want anything?"

They made their way to the lounge area, while Modo and Throttle were chatting casually over their dogs and beer. Vinnie had a thought, tried his luck at answering Charley's question.

Vinnie: "Are you on the menu sweetheart?" He wiggled his brows at her.

The bros looked horrified at Charley, trying not to choke on their food and laugh at the same time. Well, Modo was, Throttle on the other hand, sighed, and took his rubbish to the bin. He stopped briefly, before continuing and slight shake of his head, in silence. Charley shrugged nonchalantly, after picking up the phone in one hand the menu in the other. Modo excused himself to use the bathroom, while Charley ordered. As she put the phone down the two missing bros returned.

Charley: "So much for my night off." She joked.

Vinnie: "There's something else we could do if you want." He blurted out, not thinking.

Throttle, Modo and Charley: "SHUT UP VINNIE!" They chorused.

Vinnie shrugged, ending with them all in fits of laughter, at his expense.


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