18 - Unraveling Bonds and Strategic Moves

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Max found himself in the quiet solitude of his kitchen, the faint hum of the city outside providing a distant soundtrack to his restless thoughts. The night had been unkind, leaving him in a state of sleep-deprived contemplation. 

As he mechanically poured coffee into a mug, the warm aroma wafting through the air, he stood at the island in his kitchen, clad in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. The early morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow on his chiseled physique.

His normally impeccable hair bore the unmistakable signs of a night spent tossing and turning. Max's reflection in the kitchen's stainless steel surfaces revealed a man caught between the calculated precision of his plans and the unexpected curve ball thrown by his best friend, David.

The intricate web Max had woven to ensure his ascent to the CEO position now faced an unforeseen threat. David's connection with Alex had thrown a wrench into the gears of Max's carefully orchestrated machinations. As he sipped his coffee, Max delved into the recesses of his mind, exploring the possibilities that lay before him.

Should he abandon the notion of using Alex as a strategic pawn in his quest for the CEO seat? 

The idea crossed his mind, but upon closer inspection, Max couldn't find a viable alternative. His original plan had been born out of the realization that there were no other feasible options. He needed Alex to play a role in his grand charade, a role that extended beyond the facade of a casual relationship. The revelation of David's interest in Alex complicated matters.

Damn, David. I need Alex for this to work.

With a furrowed brow, Max considered the intricate dance that lay ahead. David, privy to the reality of Max's schemes, was an indispensable player. 

Seriously, the last thing I need right now is for David to mess things up. I need him to be on board. 

And, he's got to play his part perfectly, or this whole plan goes down the drain. What if he meets Mother and he spills the beans?

Or if he makes a move on Alex... No chance she'd agree to help me then.

Okay, focus, Max. Just got to keep David in check.

Max's gaze drifted to the steaming cup in his hands, his thoughts swirling like the dark liquid within. The challenge before him was formidable. 

With the coffee mug now empty, Max set it down with a determined clink against the counter top. With agile steps, he made his way towards the bedroom, a calculated path that led to his wardrobe, grabbing his phone along the way. 

As he typed out a message, Max's fingers danced across the phone's screen with practiced ease. "Need to talk. Let's go for a run in 30?"

I need you on board, before you speak to Mother or Alex. You can't make a move on Alex.

Memories of David's swift and passionate romance with Emma flashed through Max's mind. A twinge of unease surfaced, contemplating the possibility of a similar scenario unfolding between David and Alex.

Then a sly smile played on Max's lips at the thought of Alex blushing, an image that brought amusement to his otherwise tense contemplation. Yet, the discomfort swiftly followed as he acknowledged that, in this case, her blush would be reserved for David. Max refocused on the task at hand.

If something would have happened, it would've shown on Alex's face yesterday. I mean, the girls face reads like a book, everyone can detect what she's feeling from a mile away. But wait, that smile... 

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