Harry has been very taken with his piano, playing tunes on it daily. They've been mostly covers of classics or tracks from the LP he made me, but they've all been beautiful and magical to hear and pay witness to. He's incredible.

I was also introduced to his guitar expertise, too. The first ever one he bought - a plain black acoustic that he showed me on the house tour he gave me way back when - has been played regularly; with Harry strumming it alongside a record playing or freestyling a rhythm.

The first time I saw him tinkering with it was outside on the wicker sofa by the freshly planted peonies, and my heart filled with so much joy and giddiness. The Beatles' Here Comes The Sun was his song choice. I just sat back and watched a master at work, smiling to myself at the irony of the sun singing about the sun.

I followed the performance up with applause that made Harry blush, and then a reminder of the comment he made about that guitar the first time I saw it which made him laugh. Harry said then that it hadn't been touched in a while, much like its owner.

That had obviously long since changed, and we made sure it stayed that way. Harry set the instrument aside and then I got to touching, my hands all over his body as he sat all manspread and smirky while muttering all manner of dirty things that had my panties soaked.

Thinking about that now has my underwear heading a similar way. Harry's cheeky smile and another head shake keeps my horny mind from spiralling too much, though.

"No music session today."

I cock a brow and grin, now well into this being a fun little guessing game, "Sarah and Mitch's? Your Mum's? Elin and Ariza's? Gemma and Pauli's?"

We've spent some time at each of our loved one's homes these last couple of weeks. Family night is usually reserved for Wednesday's, but a few extra hang out sessions were necessary for certain reasons.

At Sarah and Mitch's, Harry and I spent a good chunk of our visit with Bella. The last time we saw her was at the dinner party we threw all those weeks ago, so seeing her sweet and sassy self was lots of fun.

Bella was very happy to see us, too. She was more hyperactive than usual because of it, the poor babe tiring us out as much as herself until she ended up crashing out while clung onto Harry like a koala; which is when we got to telling her parents all about our purpose for visiting.

"Mickayla and I..." Harry spoke up softly, being careful not to wake Bella, "As a thank you for all that you've both done for us, and because we see and can only dream of being as good at parenting as you both are... we'd like to ask if you would do us the honour of being our baby girl's godparents."

The couple were beside themselves with emotion, quickly nodding and quietly crying as they told us yes, they'd be truly honoured. I didn't doubt for a second that they'd say no, but nevertheless it was nice to hear and a joy to see.

Over at Anne's, it was an absolute treat to be in her company like it always is. Harry and I made the drive to Richmond in his Ferrari, with Sir Duke cuddled up in my lap. We always bring him whenever we go to her home so he can see his bestie Dusty.

The two fur angels got to catching up while the three of us spent some time out in the garden. His Mum needed some help getting her new greenhouse set up, so Harry assisted with the heavy lifting and I. alongside Anne, did the lighter duties of potting some new plants.

She cooed over us both as well as she did Peanut, later on fixing us up with a Sunday roast. My belly had never felt more full and I ended up sleeping away the entire ride back home because of it; waking up in bed thanks to Harry carrying me from the car to it.

ISN'T SHE LOVELY | hsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin