𝟑.𝟐𝟎 𝙃𝙤𝙩 𝙬𝘼𝙩𝙚𝙧

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"Yeah, me neither" Emily agreed, turning to Sophie,  "Soph, you know Cece best out of all of us, you think it could be her?"

"I mean she has every reason to hate me" Sophie nodded, "and yeah, everything with her is intense she's...unhinged I guess" 

The idea of Cece being red coat – or whatever they were calling her – didn't sound too far-fetched in Sophie's opinion. It was true, Cece did have every reason to hate Sophie mainly due to the fact that the blonde had been sleeping with Jason for the entireity of his relationship with Cece.

"What do you think, Spence?" Aria nudged Spencer besides her.

"Hm?" Spencer lifted her head, taken aback by the sudden mention of her name. 

"Blonde? Red coat? Captain of the A team?" Emily put in. 

"Maybe it's Cece" Spencer suggested and the girls' expressions all dropped as they realized Spencer had not been listening to the conversation at all. 

"How much of the conversation were you actually here for?" Sophie quipped, raising a brow at the brunette. 

"Pay attention" Aria reprimanded, "we need this brain trust firing on all cylinders"

"What happened tonight with you and Wren?" Hanna asked, her interest peeking as she caught glance of Spencer's open phone on the table – the messages between her and Wren on full display. 

"It's nothing I..." Spencer started, reaching out to shut her device off, "Mona and I had a moment and uh, he saw that's all"

"A moment that might make her try and cut Emily and Sophie in half?" Aria asked, her eyes widening. 

"No, no you guys this wasn't Mona" Spencer denied firmly with a shake of her head, "We were in a different county" 

"Well, then who do you think it was?" Hanna asked. 

The blonde's question never got the chance to be answered as a large knock came from the closed door of the Brew. The girls all jumped in their seats as their heads whipped around to the door of the coffee shop, their hearts in their throats. 

Emily rose first, moving to grasp the small doornob in her hand as the girls followed closely behind her. With a deep breath, Emily twisted the doorknob, swinging the door wide open to reveal Detective Wilden. 

"We're closed" Emily stated bluntly. 

"You're here" Wilden shot back. 

"I have keys" Emily countered. 

"Yeah, and drinking coffee isn't a crime" Hanna jumped in. 

Wilden didn't listen, his eyes glanced around the girls, first Emily, then Aria, followed by Spencer and then Sophie until finally his eyes landed on Hanna and they stayed there for a moment too long. 

"What are you doing here?" Sophie asked. 

"Looking for you girls" 

"Wait, where you following us?" Hanna questioned, lips curling up in disgust. 

"Jason Dilaurentis has been saying some nasty things about me" Wilden stated, raising a brow at the girls as his eyes drifted over to Sophie. 

Wilden's cold stare sent a shiver down her spine as she pulled her jacket sleeves further over her hands. 

"Like what?" Hanna wondered. 

"Don't play dumb, Hanna" Wilden snapped, "it wouldn't be the first time you made up a story"

"Well, I don't know what you're talking about" Hanna shrugged, "so why don't you just leave us alone"

"It's just a question, no need to get so defensive" Wilden raised his hands in surrendor. 

𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | Jason DilaurentisOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz