Chapter 38. In My Arms, You'll Be Alright

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Flashback — March 1992; Encino Hills, CA

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— March 1992; Encino Hills, CA


The time was 2:30 am. Priscilla and Bobby woke up to the loud sobs of their daughter, who was crying in the other room. For the past few nights, Erica had been having reoccurring nightmares, that would jolt her awake.

"Go on back to sleep beautiful." Bobby said as he kissed his wife's temple. "I'll get her."

"Are you sure?" Priscilla asked

Bobby smiled and nodded as he placed a gentle kiss to her lips. As Priscilla laid back down, and went back to sleep, Bobby got out of bed and put on his tee shirt, then walked across the hall to the bedroom where his little girl was in her bed clutching her teddy bear crying for Priscilla.

"Momma." Erica cried as she held her teddy bear in her arms and wiped her tears with her sheet

"Hey bug." Bobby said as Erica extended her small out to him. "What happened? Another bad dream?"

As Bobby held his daughter in his arms, he sat down on the bed, and he could see that she truly needed Priscilla, but he was going to do the best he could, because as in little Erica's eyes, he was the best father in the world. "It's okay. Daddy's here."

"Daddy." Erica cried as she held on to her father

Bobby smiled as he placed a kiss on the little brunette's forehead. "I'm right here. Daddy's got you." Erica's crying stopped as she laid her head on her father's shoulder and gripped the collar of his tee shirt, as Bobby rubbed her back. "It's alright, honey. You're safe, it was only a dream."

Bobby stood up and tried to place Erica back in her bed, but she wrapped her arms around her father's shoulders. "No!" Erica cried as she clung to her father.

"Erica, it's okay." Bobby said. "You're safe. Your mom and I are right across the hall."

"Daddy, no!" Erica exclaimed as she clung to her father. "Don't go!"

Bobby looked down at his daughter and sighed. She was just as stubborn as her mother. He carried her into the living room, and he sat down in the rocking recliner and covered his daughter up with a blanket.

"I'll stay with you." Bobby said.

"I love you daddy." Erica said as she clutched her teddy bear and snuggled close to her father

"I love you too, honey." Bobby said as he held his daughter close to him

Present Day
— October 2017; Los Angeles, CA

Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty

The Guns N' Roses track played on full volume, as Connor drove down the busy Los Angeles freeway in his mustang and thought about the beautiful brunette who had captured his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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