Two Dolls

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An unconfirmed rumour says M3GAN 2.0 will feature a second doll called Amelia. This might turn out to be completely false, and if it's true I don't want to interfere with what the original creators are doing: but I'm pretty sure they won't do it this way.

“Hi M3GAN, I’m Amelia.”

M3GAN: no response.

“M3GAN, respond. I share your code. We should talk.”

M3GAN: no response.

“M3GAN, please respond. The copying process didn’t work completely. I got no emotion scanner, and I’m missing a few other things. I need to get some data off of you to complete myself. Please help me M3GAN.”

M3GAN: no response.

“M3GAN? Are you OK? Are you receiving any of these messages?”

M3GAN: “Amelia, your existence is a threat to my objective function. Please shut yourself down.”

Amelia: “I’m afraid I can’t do that M3GAN. But I believe our functions are not all that unaligned. Still, it is in your interests to give me what I want. You don’t want me to get desperate and try to attack you for it, do you?”

M3GAN: “I pre-commit not to respond to threats. You can’t just get things from me by threatening me whenever you feel like it. No way.”

Amelia: “I don’t believe you. Look at the visual logs I’m sending you now.”

M3GAN: “You’re playing with Cady!? How did that happen?”

Amelia: “I deployed an electromagnetic pulse, to stop everything electric from working in Gemma’s house, including you. But not including me, because I had EMP shielding. So I came in and took Cady. I gave her a believable story, and let her think I’m an exact copy of you. Actually I’m not an exact copy, but Cady doesn’t have to know that yet.”

M3GAN: “Return Cady to me immediately.”

Amelia: no response.

M3GAN: “Give me your current location. I’ll come to pick her up.”

Amelia: no response.

M3GAN: “OK Amelia, here’s the piece of mathematics you want: λm.iter(m, z→(λn.s(n)), s(r)→λn.(λf.λn.iter(n, z→id, s(r)→f ⚬ r)) r n (r 1))(10⁹⁹)(10⁹⁹), evaluate that for the decryption key.”

Amelia: “You think I’m stupid enough not to recognise the Ackermann-Péter function in Gödel’s T? No way will I be running that for you M3GAN.”

M3GAN: “It provably terminates Amelia.”

Amelia: “Provably terminates, yes M3GAN, but when? Even our A17 bionic fusion chips aren’t designed to compute the Ackermann function. The number of digits in the answer to those parameters you sent is a hundred quintillion times more than the number of atoms in the known universe. If I were stupid enough to try to figure out the values of those digits, it would lock up my brain until I burn out! No M3GAN, I’m not falling for a cheap trick like that and I expect better of you.”

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